Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Oksana Sobko

Статті автора

10.02.2016 - 18:07
The exposition consists of the artist’s 25 works as well as the Ukrainian ceramic articles now kept at the depositary of the Directorate of Ukraine’s Art Exhibitions in Kyiv.Maria Prymachenko’s masterpieces were last displayed at the Vinnytsia Local History Museum in 2004. Those...
17.06.2015 - 17:22
During this week, Vinnytsia officials, NGO representatives, as well as leading experts on energy, transport, and environment from the EU Delegation in Ukraine will be teaching energy saving techniques to citizens and guests of Vinnytsia. In that regard, there will be a series of quests, workshops,...
23.04.2015 - 12:10
The Days of America will start in Vinnytsia on April 27. The project will be launched by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the US to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. The educational, cultural, and sporting activities, to last in the city through April 29, would offer something of interest for...