Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Roman Yatsiv

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Статті автора

17.04.2018 - 10:55
“Her Highness Yelyzaveta Skoropadska-Kuzhym, 76, departed this life, sharing in a foreign land the destiny of her parents and members of all Ukrainian independence-oriented groups who failed to find a common language in the native land and within the limits of the existing Ukrainian...
15.02.2018 - 10:46
On the Ukrainian artist who was taught by famous Polish artists at the Krakow Academy of Arts, took part in the restoration of Wawel, one of Poland’s main national symbols, and was killed by Polish fighting squads when he only had a painting set about him.This story is for the edification of...
16.01.2018 - 10:56
The uncanonical painting of Emma Andijewska (Andiievska), invisibly tied up with the willful whirlpools of the author’s existence, poses a real esthetic mystery to many spectators. A commonplace person may find it totally impossible to interpret every subject or symbol of her pictures....
22.08.2017 - 15:12
The cultural (and now historical as well) phenomenon of Edward (Eko) Kozak, patriarch of the brilliant artistic Kozak dynasty, restrains in some way from styling his sons Yuri (1933-2001) and Yarema (1942-2016) prominent artists. But in fact, judging by their heritage, that is exactly what they...
31.05.2017 - 17:35
The Cultural and Informational Center of the Ukrainian Embassy in France was the last place to host the CAPRIces project by the well-known Lviv artist.It will be recalled that the two previous exhibits under this title were successfully held in Kyiv and Lviv. The capital of France organically...
23.01.2017 - 17:41
“People born in January have great talent and a good sense of humor. As neither the former nor the latter can provide a comfortable living today, they will live from hand to mouth throughout their lifetime. However, they will have a pompous funeral, and the grateful public will be delivering...
02.11.2016 - 16:41
On October 3, the date of this anniversary, the British Library’s European Studies Blog published an article on this unique artist. The material was illustrated with selected reproductions of the publications preserved in this prestigious library. The article soon drew attention of...
17.02.2016 - 18:00
Mykhailo Sydorenko’s passion for painting has become even closer to his lifestyle, to casual reactions on human and nature; in addition, it is also an incentive for navigating uncharted waters of beauty. Together with his wife Natalia Kruchkevych he seeks the winds of poetic and metaphorical...