Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

More flowers to Kyiv!

Activists are creating a green map of the capital
16 June, 2016 - 11:05
Photo courtesy of “Let’s Make Kyiv Green Again” initiative

In Kyiv, there are cozy courtyards where cherry, lilac, and lime bloom depending on the season, and residents of nearby houses plant peonies, roses, and asters. But they are merely oases in the desert of metropolis’ wide streets, along which the new residential buildings stand. Thus, members of an initiative “Let’s Make Kyiv Green Again” are going to create a green map of the city. This decision was taken during a recent discussion on “Strategy of Kyiv Landscaping,” which brought together local activists, representatives of Mykola Hryshko National Botanic Garden, and local business persons. Noteworthy that the meeting itself took place in the space created in a community efforts – in the Heavenly Hundred Park.

The long-term strategy of landscaping is necessary because plants play an important role in the city life, in particular protecting the citizens from extreme temperatures and improve the quality of air. These issues were emphasized by the “Let’s Make Kyiv Green Again” initiative. As part of the plan, the activists are developing a map of the capital, which would mark down the green areas being planted in the city. And to complement the theory by practice, the participants of the discussion received seedlings of trees and shrubs and will soon plant them in public spaces of Kyiv.

“Effective and sustainable green landscaping in the city requires a thoughtful strategy,” says Mykola Shumyk, Deputy Director of Research at Mykola Hryshko National Botanical Garden. “First we must understand what functions do street trees have. Kyiv has a big problem in haphazard planting of decorative plants. Therefore, I would advise to pay more attention to the criteria for planting plants in streets and courtyards.”

“Let’s Make Kyiv Green Again” is an initiative of Helen Marlen Group in cooperation with Art Management, office for cultural and social projects. Its goal is to bring Kyiv back to the status of the green capital of Europe.

By Maria PROKOPENKO, The Day