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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Anna Harhalia

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Статті автора

14.12.2015 - 17:35
Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University has opened the Museum for Ethnography and Ancient history. The exhibition includes a collection of local archaeological findings, tools, and household items of late 19th – early 20th centuries, a numismatic collection, pysankas, embroidered...
10.08.2015 - 17:09
On one of the principal Chernivtsi streets – named after Maidan Heroes – a wooden sculpture of an angel holding a trident in his hand was consecrated. Recently, the sculpture has appeared before the main building of Chernivtsi Medical College. It was an idea of Oleksandr Kulyk, the...
21.05.2014 - 18:21
The territory now comprising Chernivtsi region suffered from flooding from the time immemorial. Floods were often catastrophic, bringing casualties in addition to huge material losses. The tragedies were caused by sharp rise of water levels in mountain streams coming in the wake of heavy rains....
09.10.2013 - 17:50
Three years ago a popular science book called Biblical Plants was published in Chernivtsi. Its authors, scientists from Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University biologists Stepan Kostyshyn and Svitlana Rudenko, philologist Oksana Ivasiuk, and theologist Mykola Shcherban had found and...
02.04.2013 - 11:28
Fourteen informational tourist booths installed in most crowded and frequently visited places in Chernivtsi – train and bus stations, hotels, museums, shopping malls, and even in the lobby of City Hall – were launched. On the outside they resemble conventional electronic terminals, but...
28.03.2013 - 10:42
By the end of last week Bukovyna was almost completely free of snow, but as a result of the cyclone activity in the area got a monthly rainfall in just a few days. Because of this, the height of the snow outside the city reached nearly a meter. Heavy and wet snow doesn’t allow migratory birds...
14.03.2013 - 11:04
Along with the melting snow chunks of asphalt came off worn-down roads as well as tiles moved from pavements. For the same reason, the artificial stone at the foot of the monument to Cesar of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph I began to slide.Two elderly men decided to put it back on their...
29.01.2013 - 11:13
Scandal surrounding Chernivtsi bookstores began almost a year ago. It started from the intention of the Oblast Council to merge ten booksellers in one bookselling public utility company. The initiators of the merging claimed that there will be no destruction of the already existing bookstores....
20.09.2012 - 00:00
The Monument to the Righteous was unveiled in the foothill village of Ispas in Chernivtsi oblast. The monument was built to pay the tribute to the local community, which in 1941 led by village head and the priest saved the lives of their fellow villagers – 15 Jewish families. The fact of...
01.12.2011 - 00:00
The Day had already reported that up to 200 mute swans had been wintering every year in Chortoryia, Ivan Mykolaichuk’s home village in Chernivtsi region, starting shortly after the actor’s death. The villagers say: “It is Mykolaichuk’s soul returning home.”...
