Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Anton Sestritsyn

Статті автора

07.09.2017 - 11:00
Ambassador Ernst REICHEL is the first head of Germany’s diplomatic mission to Ukraine, who communicated with participants in the 15th Den’s Summer School of Journalism.The dialog was interesting for a number of reasons. Firstly, Germany is the strongest economy in the European Union....
06.10.2016 - 11:53
America is now watching presidential debates. The US election campaign is entering its final phase, and most voters will very soon choose the candidate to vote for on November 8. One of the most important questions for Ukraine is what we can expect from the new administration. No matter who...
11.04.2016 - 18:29
Since the election of the new federal government in Canada in October 2015, many experts tried to predict the new political course of the Liberal government.On the economic front, it was clear that Justin Trudeau and his team viewed budget deficits as the only way to kick-start the economy and...