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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Daryna Kostiuk

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Статті автора

25.12.2001 - 00:00
For already ten years now the French Embassy in Ukraine has been carrying out its Skovoroda Program to assist publishing. This program provides financial support for Ukrainian publishers, translating and publishing in Ukrainian books by famous French classics and contemporary authors. This year,...
05.09.2000 - 00:00
After talking to Nina Denysova, a Kyiv artist whose paintings are occasionally exhibited and rumors about her life cause quite a ripple “in certain circles,” you feel as if you are watching the knitting of some kind of chimerical lace. You think the conversation is over, but another motion of your...
28.03.2000 - 00:00
Three books written by women and published simultaneously is an extraordinary event in Ukraine. I have in mind Oksana Zabuzhko’s Chronicles from Fortinbras: Selected Essays of the 1990s, Vira Aheyeva’s The Poetess at the Turn of the Century, and Nila Zborovska’s (pen name of Mariya Ilnytska)...