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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Georgy Satarov

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Статті автора

31.07.2007 - 00:00
Recently, a small event caused a major stir in Russian politics. An aide to President Vladimir Putin, Igor Shuvalov, said that it was realistic to expect the appearance of a new person whom Putin would consider his potential successor. The statement hit like a bombshell, producing an explosion of...
22.10.2002 - 00:00
More than anything else, Vladimir Putin understands power: how to get it; how to consolidate it. His predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, knew how to seize power but not how to consolidate it, which partly explains why power seeped away throughout his presidency. President Putin’s success, however, has bred...