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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Natalia Melnyk

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Статті автора

20.09.2005 - 00:00
There was an unusual holiday celebrated the weekend before last in Kyiv’s theme park: Father’s Day. How often is it that you see more than 10 fathers with children in a single park? Since children traditionally enjoy limited attention from heads of households, it is always a pleasure to watch a...
14.06.2005 - 00:00
The government seems bent on seriously tackling the problems of the younger generation. As The Day has already reported, the Cabinet is now dealing with this issue. What really matters is not that hours-long debates have assumed the classical form “understand, expand, and deepen” but that ministers...
07.06.2005 - 00:00
It’s safe to say that the Crimea has made a breakthrough this holiday season (spring-summer 2005); the peninsula has finally become a real international resort. This season, a German chartered flight program will start ferrying three flights from Frankfurt every week, along with tourist groups from...
07.06.2005 - 00:00
In record time and with little money Ukraine managed to stage an international show that fully met the standards of the Eurovision song contest. Indeed, organizers of future Eurovision contests will be hard put to top Ukraine’s show. “We were asked not to bungle the project; Ukraine didn’t and set...
07.06.2005 - 00:00
The opening session of the revamped National UNESCO Commission revealed that the precarious condition of the Kyivan Cave Monastery (Pecherska Lavra) may force UNESCO to remove this architectural monument from its World Heritage List. According to Serhiy Krolevets, director- general of the Kyivan...
22.03.2005 - 00:00
On the eve of the Eurovision song contest tour operators have joined forces. Kyiv Tourist is now promising that we will be receiving guests on a fitting level. The main players on the tourist market claim that visitors will be provided with a whole range of services that are part and parcel of the...
22.02.2005 - 00:00
A debate is raging within the walls of the Ukrainian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments — the third debate on the same subject, namely: should the Church of the Tithes (Desiatynna) be restored. Over the past decade the Kyiv authorities have supported the idea, off and...
15.02.2005 - 00:00
Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Oleh Rybachuk, has announced that Ukraine will cancel visas for citizens of European Union member states. He noted that Europeans who wish to travel to Kyiv for the Eurovision contest will have no problems. “We will change the visa...
08.02.2005 - 00:00
Imagine sitting in the front row at a circus and seeing an alligator weighing 100-150 kilos rushing right at you. The reptile is halfway across the barrier and its large head is resting on the shoes of a spectator speechless with fright. The tamer pretends not to notice anything, but he’s looking...
23.11.2004 - 00:00
Even the simplest dinner service from the days of grandma’s youth can acquire a new brilliance. But if it’s decorated the wrong way, it may fail to create coziness in your home. Experts advise against restricting decoration to traditional flower and leaf patterns, and suggest using objects not in...
