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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Natalia Shramenko

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Статті автора

26.05.2015 - 11:23
As part of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Art Project “ART-Combat,” organized by the Studio of Artistic Initiatives Agency of Creative Innovation, Kyiv City Union of ATO Veterans and the Ukrainian Resistance (Ukrainian acronym UKROP) Charitable Foundation, a special exhibition was held in...
18.08.2014 - 18:20
The Kyiv-based artist Natalia Kucher called her exhibit “The Window Opens on the Garden” (by the title of a poem collection by Iryna Zhylenko, a prominent figure of the Second National Renaissance period. August 3 marks the first anniversary of her death). The oeuvre of this writer,...
11.06.2014 - 17:05
The name of this young artist from Transcarpathia has been known to art fans for years, making his exhibition’s opening a crowded occasion even in this difficult time. Unexpected, inspired and bright, Deiak had decided to impress the audience with a flash of color.The artist is a bold...
16.08.2012 - 00:00
This exposition launches new project “Echo” which will present the dialogue of cultures, continuity of traditions, and, what is so important in the present time, reflection on the past. This project is the first attempt to show how one of the most striking phenomena of the Baroque...
20.01.2011 - 00:00
The National Museum of Ukrainian Literature is hosting an exhibit entitled “So We’ll Raise That Red Guelder Rose.” The exposition presents a collection of works from the family archives of Alla Horska and her husband, Viktor Zaretsky, provided to the Museum by their son, Oleksii...
02.12.2010 - 00:00
Dmytro Dobrovolsky presented his works in the Mystetska Zbirka Art Gallery. Dmytro Dobrovolsky called his personal exhibition “Mosaic of Color in Canvas.” It is only his second vernisage in Kyiv, as most connoisseurs of modern art familiar with his works live abroad. “...
30.09.2010 - 00:00
Despite the rainy weather, the open-air theater in Mariinsky park was filled with inflammatory Latin American dances, songs and music. September either indulges us with Indian summer or fills the skies with gloomy clouds. Under the relict trees the Spanish-speaking church “Hornytsia” organized a...
16.09.2010 - 00:00
Mirtala Pylypenko is a sculptor, a poet, a creator of a new synthetic genre that combines music, poetry and sculpture with stage acting and light effects. She is also the daughter of the famous writer and public figure Serhii Pylypenko. The works of the artist were displayed at the “Ukrainian Home...
15.06.2010 - 00:00
Cossack Fun participants showed the revived art of ancient warriors, arousing incredible admiration among the visitors. The festival’s program included master classes of combat hopak specialists, the performance of a Cossack equestrian theater, an exhibition-cum-fair of apiary products and folk...