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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Oksana Panchenko

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Статті автора

13.11.2012 - 00:00
Interviewed by Oksana Panchenko, The Day Chairman of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Volodymyr Horbulin read out President Kuchma’s decree dismissing Oleh Lytvak from his post due to his status as a member of Parliament. The Chief Executive highly praised Mr. Lytvak’s...
21.04.1998 - 00:00
By Oksana Panchenko, The Day Ukraine’s Interior Ministry states that 400,000 female citizens of Ukraine aged under 30 are officially listed as staying abroad. However, studies carried out by the International Migration Organization point to 1,400,000 illegal immigrants originating from...
21.04.1998 - 00:00
By Oksana Panchenko, The Day Research conducted by the International Migration Organization has called forth various reactions in US official circles. The issue is the threatening scope of illegal migration from Ukraine, including the sale of women, leading the US government to offer...
31.03.1998 - 00:00
By Oksana Panchenko, The Day Two years ago the issue of drilling and unarmed combat training for the militia became especially acute because an increasing number of officers were killed attempting to apprehend criminals. “I can give you a good example,” says Yevhen Belinsky, Master of...