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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Oleksandr Lavrynenko

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Статті автора

10.07.2001 - 00:00
On the morning of July 2 Ihor Oleksandrov, a journalist of the TOR Television Company in Slovyansk (Donetsk oblast), was severely beaten with baseball bats on his way to work. According to the Institute on Mass Information in Kyiv, the attack on Oleksandrov is the twentieth case of harassment and...
10.07.2001 - 00:00
A new volunteer organization called the Information Arbitration Court was recently registered in Ukraine. This was very timely since its main objective is settling information disputes. And such disputes are certain to take on increasing scope as the elections approach. Slated to start functioning...
29.05.2001 - 00:00
What topics are the most pressing for Ukrainian students? How do they solve them? How do they feel about the current realities? The Day polled Kiev- Mohyla Academy National University students in various departments. This was, of course, not a representative sample, for only those who wished filled...