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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Olena Aleksiychuk

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Статті автора

02.03.2004 - 00:00
How much does it cost to adopt a child? What awaits a Ukrainian orphan in a new home in Italy, the US, or Spain? Why do children’s homes sometimes prefer not to give away their wards, at least not to Ukrainian adoptive parents? No matter how cynical, these questions are difficult to avoid. The...
21.05.2002 - 00:00
Ninety percent of modern parents are perfectly decent people, pursuing the sole objective of raising their children as healthy and happy individuals. Aware of this and proudly counting myself in that number, I am simultaneously aware of the need to set up a Party of Today’s Parents with a motto...
10.07.2001 - 00:00
It is a five-bed ward at the Institute of Neurosurgery. Patients are transferred here after complicated surgery. One bed is occupied by an 18-year-old with big blue eyes and dark curly hair. Outwardly he is no different from others his age, but only outwardly. Valery Chaika was born in Novi...