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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Serhii Harahulia

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Статті автора

28.01.2010 - 00:00
Last summer Esthetic Education, the most popular among non-format and most non-format among the country’s popular music bands, announced that it was taking a break in its activity for an unspecified period of time and that the members of the band were going to work on their solo projects. In...
13.10.2009 - 00:00
Ukraine’s first and virtually only (in literary critics’ opinion) surrealist poet Bohdan Ihor Antonych would be happy. The poet’s centenary, which he fell short of by 72 years, was marked in his fatherland with honors matching his humble nature.This year Antonych’s complete works have been...