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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Serhii Stukanov

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Статті автора

09.10.2012 - 00:00
Genre of oral history is one of the most important tools of historical cognition, since it gives an opportunity to concretize and define certain scientific statements by looking at the problem from the witnesses’ point of view. Researchers can rise above the well-established general truths...
28.02.2012 - 00:00
Any kind of government has to take care of its human resources. This is a necessary condition required for a sufficient and steady implementation of the country’s policy. Especially nowadays, when the world faces an economic crisis (and some experts are even talking about a civilization...
10.11.2011 - 00:00
Last week, the current majority in Ukrainian Parliament hammered another nail in the coffin of the national information space by adopting amendments to the Law of Ukrai­ne “On Television and Radio.” According to the bill, submitted by MP from the Party of Regions Olena Bondarenko, quotas for the...
03.11.2011 - 00:00
Let’s be honest, the whole set of problems that are often called “ecological” (like pollution, recycling, and environmental education) is on the periphery of an average Ukrainian’s consciousness. However, this seems normal, given the agenda set by the incumbent government...
20.10.2011 - 00:00
Recently in the industrial and manufacturing locations of “Isolation” (multidisciplinary cultural center, founded in 2010 in the former Donetsk plant of insulation materials, well-known in the city and beyond) dreamers gathered together. These are the young people who aspire to...
07.12.2010 - 00:00
Donetsk – On the last day of fall Donetsk saw a presentation of the book The Holodomor of 1932 -1933 in Ukraine According to the Documents of the Branch State Archives of the Security Service of Ukraine: An Annotated Handbook, published several days earlier by the Lviv-based Liberation...
27.04.2010 - 00:00
In the highly read and penetrating, yet sadly underappreciated, lecture “Humanitarian Aura of the Nation or the Defect of the Core Mirror,” brilliant Lina Kostenko highlighted the distorted image of Ukrainians in the world (and even worse – in Ukraine itself). Misrepresenting our past doesn’t...
26.01.2010 - 00:00
One can sometimes hear, even from young people, a commonplace remark that Ukrainians were given independence like manna from heaven, i.e., for free. They made no serious efforts, you see, to obtain independence and, by all accounts, had no more or less noticeable desire or intention to make...
19.01.2010 - 00:00
Vasyl Symonenko was one of the most prominent Ukrainian poets of the Sixtiers. His life, as well as that of many other conscious and conscientious people of that generation, ended abruptly and tragically. In 1962, together with Alla Horska and Les Taniuk, he found burial places of NKVD-shot...
19.01.2010 - 00:00
On Jan.14. 2009, Den carried an article entitled “The Day of Vasyl” that informed the readers about the Donetsk student campaign and its objective. After that Den embarked on a broad-scale information project in support of this campaign. Over the past year this newspaper has published a variety of...
