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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Vasyl Zubach

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Статті автора

14.10.2003 - 00:00
The stated objective of social transformations in Ukraine is the creation of a civil society based on the principles of democracy and market economy reform. Now suppose we ask ourselves whether a civil society is possible without raising and educating every community member, so he can have a...
09.09.2003 - 00:00
According to local Security Service reports, over 1,100 illegal migrants were detained in Zakarpattia in 2002. This year has also reaped a bumper crop because the local populace, embittered by their own hardships, now tend to be enemies, not friends, of the border guards. The underlying motive is...
15.07.2003 - 00:00
Over the past several months polls have shown a decreasing number of Ukrainians favoring NATO membership, a fact that has been actively capitalized upon by the opponents of Euro-Atlantic integration. In addition, it may also cause problems with the Ukraine-NATO dialogue. In keeping with the...
22.04.2003 - 00:00
Iryna ROZHKOVA, Head of the Political Sociology Department, the European Institute for Integration and Development: “I believe first of all we should touch on the issue of the election criteria in terms of the voters’ rational or irrational motives with corrections for age categories. For...
24.12.2002 - 00:00
They should be evaluated by two or three local professionals, for they are not considered graffiti unless orally assessed. “Without a seal and a triangular stamp?!” a Soviet-to-the-backbone bureaucrat will cry out in a fit of hysterics at some office. “Yes, sir,” the graffiti professional...
24.09.2002 - 00:00
Valery Shevchenko, representative of the Carpathian regional tourist council, suggested we take a ride to Lake Andriyivske beyond the village of Serednie in Uzhhorod oblast. Our point of destination was a farmstead called Zolota Pidkova [Golden Horseshoe] by the lake. First it was a small smithy...
17.09.2002 - 00:00
The elephants moved slowly, negotiating a pass in Thailand, like tanks headed for the depot, almost out of fuel. They did not want to move any quicker. It was their habitual pace. They were free! The deeply tanned drivers did not force them. They understood each other better than we can among...
23.07.2002 - 00:00
I have known Petro Holitsyn, a fellow with Uzhhorod University, since 1989. He was the first in the Soviet Union to raise playing cards to the official level. Can you imagine? He was the first president of the duplicate bridge federation. The Holitsyn precedent made it possible to open clubs...
30.04.2002 - 00:00
Last summer I met Oleksandr Dzembas, an archaeologist and leader of the movement to clear the Nevytske Castle of what seemed age- old six feet weeds and shrubs, scaring away seven-feet long hissing Carpathian grass snakes. Heavily damaged by time, the citadel is near Nevytske, a village 12...
23.04.2002 - 00:00
The day was almost as warm as a day in spring should be, but gray and damp, one in a long series of previous days just as uninspiring. I had to get up and go somewhere. Near the railroad station I spotted an old peeling kiosk selling beer. Sadly I reached into my pocket for my last three...
