Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№1, (2005)

18.01.2005 - 00:00

Churches to Refrain from Electioneering

The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations and the State Committee for Religious Affairs have suggested that tougher legal action should be taken against the state, politicians...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

Campaign’s Last Battle

Last battle is perhaps the best description of the Supreme Court’s hearing of the Yanukovych team’s grievances which began yesterday. The ex-premier’s lawyers and affiliated MPs insist that the...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

A Diplomatic Revolution

The EU has begun serious discussions about market-economy status, a free trade zone, and a simplified visa regime with Ukraine. “The Orange Revolution has placed Ukraine on the political map. In the...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

Where We Are Not

As a rule, new people come to power with new goals, including new foreign policy goals. “Viktor Yushchenko’s overriding goal is to ensure Ukraine’s full membership in the European Union,” Oleh...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

This week in history

January 18. 1919. The (Soviet) Provisional Workers and Peasants Government of Ukraine approved a decree On Separating the Church and State. 1944. The first serious military encounter took place...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

Political Markup: A Possibility

No matter how much politicians may talk about this country’s real independence, their rhetoric always pursues a certain goal. In the ongoing heated discussions about independence, especially those...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

One Foot in History

The Kyiv National History Museum (2 Volodymyrska St.) features a new display representing the history of the third presidential elections in Ukraine. The idea of creating a museum of the revolution...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

Change Your Style!

The Blue Ribbon Commission (nothing to do with the campaign colors of a certain presidential candidate; blue is the color of the UN flag), created with UN assistance, has formulated a socioeconomic...
18.01.2005 - 00:00


My phone rang one ordinary November evening. Judging by the ringing, it was a long-distance call. I picked up the receiver and heard a male voice speaking German, then heavily accented English. The...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

Spielberg to Make a Film in Ukraine

The Oscar-winning US movie director Steven Spielberg is going to make a documentary about Ukraine, which will be co-produced with People’s Deputy Viktor Pinchuk, a well-known Ukrainian businessman...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

How Should the Withdrawal Of Our Troops from Iraq Proceed?

It was relatively easy to foresee a decision to withdraw the Ukrainian peacekeeping force from Iraq (especially against the backdrop of attempts to win more electoral votes). Yet it is still...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

New Alternative Ukrainian Music

Every revolution has an anthem that embodies its idea. The Orange Revolution also has an unofficial anthem, which has won general recognition. This is the hit song “Razom nas bahato” [Together we are...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

The New Power

The start of 2005 coincided with the beginning of a new political period in Ukraine. Such coincidences offer an apt opportunity to sum up the past year and contemplate future prospects. The term “new...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

The Unvanquished Don’t Need Swords

The events of the Orange Revolution this past November and December have not yet been consigned to history or the dim and distant past. They are our present-day burning reality, which has given rise...
18.01.2005 - 00:00

Austrian Native Wolfram Wendelin Dreams of Transporting Tourists to Europe On the “Carpathian Streetcar”

Practically everyone who meets the Austrian Wolfram Wendelin immediately begins searching for his Ukrainian roots. How else can you explain his passionate love for Ukraine? He has a superb command of...
