Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№12, (2001)

10.04.2001 - 00:00


A cow died of anthrax last Tuesday on a private farm belonging to a Niva agricultural company worker in the village of Berezivka, Vinnytsia oblast, Forum (www. for-ua.com) reports. The Ministry for...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Decency, predictability, responsibility

The development of the economic situation in 1999-2000 gives cause for cautious optimism for the first time in the past decade. Obviously, certain negative trends have been overcome and it is safe to...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Roman Catholic Church Opens Press Center in Kyiv

On March 31 Papal Nuncio Nikola Eterovic sanctified the premises of the Roman Catholic press center. The ceremony and the news conference that followed, attended, in addition to the representative of...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

OPPOSITION: Damage Tolerance Test

There is the notion of ship’s damage tolerance in naval parlance, meaning that a ship can withstand so much damage on a combat mission, have so many years of service life, and how well she can be...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Leaving One Hand Free

Attempts to put together a parliamentary majority in Verkhovna Rada in any possible way have long been fruitless. Despite regular sessions of the Majority Coordination Council and high-profile issues...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

No Capital Punishment In New Criminal Code

Verkhovna Rada passed the new criminal code on April 5. It replaces capital punishment by life imprisonment to be meted out in punishment for the gravest offenses, except for individuals aged under...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Ukrainian Border Guards to Defend Ukraine Rather than the West

It has been decided not to restore but to dismantle in the near future the defensive obstacles now idling on Ukraine’s borders, the press center of the State Border Security Committee of Ukraine told...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

President Kuchma Believes the Government Should Be the President’s Instrument

President Leonid Kuchma’s speech of April 5 to the Central Council of the Federation of Ukrainian Trade Unions contained several important points. The chief executive thinks in particular that a...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Verkhovna Rada to legalize political opposition with the help of ViktorYushchenko

The instruction to draw up and submit to parliament before May 1 the law, On Political Opposition in Ukraine, which Leonid Kuchma gave to Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko on April 5, has at least one...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Can the “Crisis” Be Turned into a “Chance?”

A forum called EU-US-Canada: Policies toward Ukraine, was held April 2 in Washington. It was intended to find out if the Western participants understand the political situation in Ukraine and have...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Leonid KUCHMA: “I’ll leave office in November 2004”

Addressing a seminar for repre sentatives of oblast media outlets, President Kuchma made several declarations shedding light on his specific interpretation of the present political situation in...
10.04.2001 - 00:00


On April 6, the Kyiv Prosecution Office released from custody Volodymyr Bondar, former first deputy chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Board of Governors, under a written pledge to stay in town...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

This week in history

April 10: 1864. The first Ukrainian professional theater under the Ruska Beseda [Ruthenian Conversation] Society was opened. 1995. In Beijing the heads of the military agencies of Ukraine and...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Upturn Leads to Losses

On April 6, First Deputy Minister for Fuel and Energy Vitaly Haiduk told journalists about his resignation. He specified immediately he was not resigning “out of protest” and this was a decision of...
10.04.2001 - 00:00

Ukraine and Council Of Europe: Monitoring Shot

The Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolved on April 5 to recommend that PACE suspend Ukraine’s membership. The decision is simultaneously expected...
