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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

10 April, 2001 - 00:00

April 10: 1864. The first Ukrainian professional theater under the Ruska Beseda [Ruthenian Conversation] Society was opened.

1995. In Beijing the heads of the military agencies of Ukraine and China signed an agreement On Military Cooperation and a framework document On Military Technical Cooperation.

April 11: 1945. American troops liberated the inmates of the Nazi death camps Buchenwald and Dora-Mittelbau.

1995. The Council of Directors of the World Bank approved a $114 million preferential credit for technical reconstruction of the Ukrainian electricity system.

April 12: 1653. Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky concluded an alliance between Ukraine and Turkey.

1961. The Vostok spaceship piloted by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin conducted the world’s first manned orbital space flight.

April 13: 1940. Stage two of the deportation from Western Ukraine was started, involving 320,000 persons.

1945. Soviet troops took Vienna.

April 14: 1768. The Kolyivshchyna, the biggest revolt of the haidamaky in Ukraine against Polish rule under the leadership of Maksym Zalizniak and Ivan Honta, began.

1944. In the course of Proskuriv-Chernivtsi military operation the troops of the First Ukrainian Front took Ternopil.

April 15: 1919. A Soviet state decree On Creating a System of Corrective Labor Camps began the GULAG.

1994. Ukraine joined the Treaty on the Economic Union of the CIS Countries as an associate member.

April 16: 1991. The Tenth Congress (and the first independent one) of the Writers of Ukraine was opened in Kyiv.

1995. Ukraine’s first direct international direct dialing telephone code, 380, was introduced.
