№14, (2006)
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Migrants and demography
European countries, the United States, and Russia cannot exist without migrants whose numbers have already reached 20 million. The same is true of Japan and, of course, Ukraine. On April 4 the NTN...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Chornobyl: past and future
President Viktor Yushchenko has called on all Ukrainian citizens to light candles on the night of April 26 to commemorate the victims of the Chornobyl disaster that took place exactly 20 years ago....
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Easter greetings to Christians
The Day greets all Christians of Ukraine — Orthodox, Greek Catholics, Roman Catholics, and Protestants of all confessions, including latter-day ones, as well as Old Believers — with the Resurrection...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
“Chimney sweeps”
Naftohaz Ukrainy CEO Oleksiy Ivchenko has never before paid much attention to politics or mentioned it as a factor influencing the image of his company. “Political factors within and without Ukraine...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
This week in history
April 26. The Day of Chornobyl Tragedy.
1986. An accident took place at the Fourth Bloc of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station.
April 27, 1906. The first Ukrainian political periodical in the...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Montserrat Caballe’s secret
The week before last the opera diva Montserrat Caballe sang in concert with the Ukrainian tenor Volodymyr Hryshko. “This is my third visit to Kyiv,” Ms. Caballe told a press conference last Wednesday...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Promises and ambitions
BYuT leader Yulia Tymoshenko has once again declared that she is ready to shed presidential ambitions during the 2009 elections for the sake of bringing the Orange team back together. Interfax...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Nuclear resuscitation
On the eve of this year’s Chornobyl anniversary, nuclear power engineering has become an especially acute topic. In particular, a new concept for the development of Ukraine’s fuel-energy complex was...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
“Poor people are not independent”
The leaders of the parties that ended up in parliament through the will of the electorate have found themselves in a situation best described by the noted Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov: “Upward...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Greenpeace puts Chornobyl toll at 100,000 deaths
The long-term effects of the Chornobyl accident on peoples’ health have been grossly underestimated, says the international environmental organization Greenpeace. Official UN data attribute about 4,...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
The 2006 elections were marked by the shattering defeat of the national democratic forces, along with the personalities who had played a significant role in gaining Ukraine’s independence. This is...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
A new national doctrine
The 10 th World Russian People’s Council ended its work in Moscow last week. It was attended by 2,500 delegates from every region of Russia and overseas. The theme of the council was: “Faith, Man,...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
60 years after WWII a Japanese veteran is found in Ukraine
Last week a former soldier of the Imperial Japanese Army, whose family has not seen him since he was mobilized for World War Two, arrived in Japan from Ukraine. The 83-year-old war veteran Isinosuke...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
You cannot restore broken glass with a blow
The aim of the organizers of the first CIS forum of the creative and scholarly intelligentsia, held in Moscow on April 14-15, was to unite the CIS public in the struggle against violence, ethnic and...
26.04.2006 - 00:00
Painting a pysanka is like writing one’s life
Shortly before Easter, the Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art Museum in Kyiv conducted master classes on painting Ukrainian Easter eggs, known as pysanky. The Day’s reporters attended one of them. It was...