April 26. The Day of Chornobyl Tragedy.
1986. An accident took place at the Fourth Bloc of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station.
April 27, 1906. The first Ukrainian political periodical in the Russian language, Ukrainsky vestnik [Ukrainian Courier], appeared in St. Petersburg.
1995. Verkhovna Rada approved independent Ukraine’s first state award, the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
April 28, 1887. The first monopoly in Ukraine, the sugar syndicate, was created at a congress of South Russia’s sugar producers.
1958. For the first time in the practice of border cooperation in the USSR a plan for cultural exchange without visas was signed in Warsaw between Lviv, Drohobych, and Volyn oblasts of Ukraine and Lublin and Rzeszow provinces of Poland.
April 29, 1990. A Congress of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group opened in Kyiv, passing a decision On Dismissing the Ukrainian Helsinki Group and Creating on Its Basis the Ukrainian Republican Party.
1992. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the law On the Status of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea.
April 30, 1615. A print shop was founded in Kyiv Pecherska Monastery of the Caves.
1956. The Crimean State Museum of Fine Arts was founded in Alupka (the Crimea).
May 1, 1890. Lviv celebrated the Day of International Solidarity for the first time in Ukraine.
1919. The first issue of Mystetstvo [Art] Ukrainian magazine was published.
May 2, 1848. The First Ukrainian political organization, the Central Ruthenian Rada, was created in Lviv.
1995. The then president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma began his visit to Italy, during which a treaty On Friendship and Cooperation was signed.