Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№23, (2013)

04.04.2013 - 11:04

Played elections enough? Game is over

Where do the interests of the Kyiv dwellers lie? To pre­ser­ve local self-govern­ment, solve their own problems, have a way to develop the community. That is what we wrote before, when...
04.04.2013 - 10:59

A Thousand Days to Keep the Millennium Promise

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but starting this week we can march a thousand days forward into a new future.On April 5, the world will reach a vital moment in history...
04.04.2013 - 10:57

Letters to Ukraine – 26

What is ‘Unaccounted Positive Feedback’ (UPF)? A classic illustration of UPF can be found in e-mail and the paperless society. It’s self-evident that e-mail reduces resource use,...
04.04.2013 - 10:55

Informal faces of classics

On April 4 artistic-do­cu­mentary ex­hibition “Infor­mal Faces of Clas­sics. Car­toons, ca­ri­ca­tu­res, and epigrams from funds of the CSAMLA of Ukraine...
04.04.2013 - 10:52

Pig snouts, people, and Kingdom of Heaven

Taras Shevchenko and Nikolai Gogol are the two Ukrainian geniu­ses of the 19th century (and, maybe, of all times). These artists can and must be put in the same category of meanings in spite of...
04.04.2013 - 10:51

“Music without Limits” in Dnipropetrovsk

International Music Festival “Music with­out Limits” opened in Dni­pro­pet­rovsk. The festival clearly stands out among creative projects of Mikhail Glinka Dnipropetrovsk...
04.04.2013 - 10:49

“Ukrainian and Polish people need to restore the name of Mariusz Zaruski”

Head of Kherson Oblast State Administration Mykola Kostiak at the request of the Consul General of Poland in Odesa Joanna Stzhelchik supported the initiative of the local Society “Polonia...
04.04.2013 - 10:45

Why the Russians are still afraid of “perestroika”?

The former Soviet president Gorbachev said that Russia should resume the perestroika. “We have come to a point now where it has been stopped. Politics is increasingly becoming a simulation. We...
04.04.2013 - 10:44

The US undertakes the initiative to study human brain

US President Barack Obama in his White House speech reported on $100 million investment into the project aimed at researching the work of brain and better understanding of diseases, such as epilepsy...
04.04.2013 - 10:43

The paper tiger’s threats

If propagandist threats and broadcasted orders of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to attack the United States and South Korea are to be taken seriously, it might seem that the war between the...
04.04.2013 - 10:40

Partnerships have truly been essential for NATO’s transformation and success

April 4th is a central day for NATO as it marks the day the Alliance was established in 1949. This date naturally lends itself to the opportunity to reflect upon the achievements and also look ahead...
04.04.2013 - 10:37

Who loses from populism?

On an opposition rally near Verkhovna Rada on April 2 some of its participants urged people not to pay utility bills until the date of municipal elections is announced. The Day asked experts about...
04.04.2013 - 10:33

Secrets of the Odesa Oil Refinery’s restart

The Odesa Oil Refinery (OOR) began recom­missioning its equipment in preparation for resuming operations on March 29, with the primary oil refining unit being the first to be restarted. The...
04.04.2013 - 10:29

Ukraine has every chance to establish its own agrarian brand

According to Oleh Bakh­ma­tiuk, general ma­nager of Eurasia’s largest agro holding com­pa­ny UkrLandFarmig, thinks that the agrarian-industrial comp­lex (APC) will make...
04.04.2013 - 10:15

Martin POLLACK: “What surprises me most is that criminals were normal people”

Martin Pollack is a well-known Austrian writer, journalist, and translator. He studied phi­lology and history of East Euro­pean countries at universities of Vienna, Warsaw, and Yugoslavia. In...
