Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№25, (2006)

25.07.2006 - 00:00

Yevhen KUSHNARIOV: “The political elite should overcome their grievances”

President Yushchenko will study the text of the anti-crisis coalition agreement to see whether it complies with the Constitution of Ukraine, the president’s spokesperson Iryna Herashchenko told...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

In between dissolution

President Yushchenko is expected soon to submit Viktor Yanukovych’s candidacy as the next prime minister to the Verkhovna Rada. At least, the Party of Regions is certain this will happen. In view of...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Why did they lose?

“There is already a new government, Mr. Yushchenko, you just didn’t notice it. And it won’t go away, and there is no way to squeeze it out.” Six month ago these words, uttered by Viktor Yanukovych in...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Waiting for H-hour

Zero hour — July 25 — is approaching. On that day President Yushchenko may exercise his right to dissolve parliament. However, even Yulia Tymoshenko’s supporters have now grasped that there will be...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Ukrainians soon to travel to EU on ‘simplified’ basis

The fourth round of Ukraine-EU talks on visa relaxation and readmission was a success: the negotiating process is drawing to a close, and the European side has agreed that abolishing visas is the...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

This week in history

July 25 1920: White Guard units of the Russian Army launch combat operations in the vicinity of Oleksandrivsk, capturing the Donetsk Coal Basin (Donbas). 1983: The construction of the 4,451-kilometer...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

“Ukraine is the sharpest word”

A memorial service was held on July 21 next to the Commemorative Cross at Babyn Yar, Kyiv, to mark the 100 th birth anniversary of the outstanding poetess Olena Teliha executed by the Nazis during...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Ukraine’s only department of apiculture may be closed

The passage of the Law of Ukraine “On Apiculture” in 2000 did not introduce any marked improvements in this sector. Even worse, the V. A. Nestervodsky Department of Apiculture at National Agrarian...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

“Payments” for a session

During the first six months of this year the Ministry of Internal Affairs exposed 242 cases of bribery in the educational system. According to ministry data, this is an increase of some three or four...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Gold from a little copper hammer

Anatoliy Shvachka, Ph.D (Technology) was a rather well- known expert in the national defense industry. When it practically stopped functioning and the national market demand for precious metals...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

A requiem is being sung for us

Many religious and political figures in Russia have joyfully welcomed the latest political developments in Ukraine, because they are also pinning great hopes on the so-called anti-crisis coalition...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Ukraine should abandon Soviet-era myths

Continued from the previous issue The struggle for the historical memory of the Ukrainian nation is clearly still urgent. UPA does not have recognition. Divizia Halychyna is not even on the horizon,...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

We need a capable partner for negotiations

Reinhard Schaefers, the new Ambassador of Germany to Ukraine, has had his first meeting with journalists in Kyiv. The large number of media people present at the meeting surprised him. The large...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Swearing in the twin

Poland is trying to become a major power that Europe will reckon with, and Warsaw will be doing its best to achieve this goal. This conclusion stems from the maiden speech of Prime Minister Jaroslaw...
25.07.2006 - 00:00

Folk couture

A private ethnographic museum run by the Korneliuk family in the Hutsul capital of Rakhiv in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast is enjoying increasing popularity among tourists. The Korneliuks are a famous...
