Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№56, (2015)

29.09.2016 - 10:58

Cinema innovations and the cinema of hope

It will be reminded that after a year break, the Ukrainian Oscar Committee has started operating again. As is known, it has undergone certain structural and organizational transformations, and now...
30.09.2015 - 19:30

Ukrainian economy as a startup

Art will no longer be a non-profit business. This is a firm belief among the supporters of the new direction of economic activity – the “creative economy.” On September 22,...
30.09.2015 - 19:24

Croatia, Varazdin

As a guest in Croatia at the invitation of friends, I discovered an extremely beautiful country, which went through a bloody war, proceeding to its establishment. It is rich in ancient monuments,...
30.09.2015 - 19:16

On the president’s initiatives

This year’s 70th session of the UN General Assembly will be remembered by many for the speeches given by the presidents of the US and Russia, which demonstrated their opposite visions upon...
30.09.2015 - 19:12

Never forget

...Thousands of innocent victims – women, the elderly, and children – were walking to the site of their execution. Quite a few of them, though not all, had no idea what awaited them...
30.09.2015 - 18:09

Catalonia wants to say goodbye

Catalan separatist parties won an absolute majority of seats in the regional parliamentary elections last Sunday. The bloc Together for Yes (the ruling Democratic Convergence of Catalonia and the...
30.09.2015 - 18:06

Rearmament of the Ukrainian army continues

In recent weeks, Ukrainian military units serving on missions in the ATO area received from state enterprises 8 units of electronic equipment for fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, 46 motor...
30.09.2015 - 18:00

“Mirror” aviation

RF Ministry of Transport wants to introduce sanctions in response to Ukraine’s decision to ban flights by Russian companies above our territory. This was announced by the press secretary of...
30.09.2015 - 17:58

On kitchen as a way to free world

The title of our fresh glossy supplement Being a guest – INTERNATIONAL! immediately sets mood for a special travel. Apparently, the way will go not only along the paths of Ukrainian cuisine,...
30.09.2015 - 17:55

Kremlin receives the last warning

It seems that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin failed to impose his agenda both at the UN General Assembly session and at the first in the recent two years tete-a-tete with the American...
30.09.2015 - 17:34

“Dunai Sich” complete with Den’s projects

The ancient city in southern Bessarabia has celebrated its 473rd birthday to the sounds of Ukrainian rock music. On September 27 the “Dunai Sich” festival was held in Izmail. Local bands...
30.09.2015 - 17:32

Ukrainian documentary wins an award in London

Producer of the Babylon’13 Group Marko Suprun, when he was receiving the award, dedicated it to the Ukrainian director Oleh Sentsov, who was illegally arrested and condemned to 20 years of...
30.09.2015 - 17:28

Ukraine as an answer to the whole world

Peter Pomerantsev is an interesting journalist in terms of contexts. He is a British journalist with Ukrainian roots (his family emigrated from Kyiv due to the persecution by KGB), who had spent nine...
30.09.2015 - 17:22

To GOGOLFEST for an autograph

Those who wanted to spend the weekend actively in an artistic environment visited the closing of the 8th International Festival of Contemporary Art GOGOLFEST. Who wanted also to learn something...
30.09.2015 - 17:19

“Images of the holy martyrs”

The Dmytro Yavornytsky National History Museum in Dnipropetrovsk has opened an exhibition of Orthodox icons dedicated to the 1,000th anniversary of the death of saint princes Borys and Hlib. The...
