Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№61, (2015)

27.10.2015 - 12:09

Michel TERESTCHENKO: “Being both the most Ukrainian of Europeans and the most European of Ukrainians I consider it very important to show the people that even a small town in Ukraine can have the same quality of life as in Europe”

“I am grateful to all my friends who supported me. For us it is a first step and a novel experience, for we are not politicians. We employed a team of volunteers – not buying a single...
27.10.2015 - 12:03

Local elections: five indicators

These local elections were highly thought-provoking, for politicians and voters alike. Of course, the turnout was of great interest. According to the Central Election Commission, it stood at 46.62...
27.10.2015 - 11:39

Mysteries in Russia’s latter-day history

Although many books have been written about Vladimir Putin, including an autobiographical interview in book format, entitled First Person, researchers are still divided on his life story before the...
27.10.2015 - 11:29

A step to popularize… the still unlearned history

“THE BOOK RETURN TO TSARHOROD SHOULD BE A SCHOOL MANUAL”Iryna ALOSHNINA, pensioner; Kremenchuk, Poltava oblast:“My husband and I buy Den every day. We have been reading your...
27.10.2015 - 11:24

“Ukraine today is like Germany after World War Two”

In his book How Rich Countries Got Rich and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor (by the way, it is a global bestseller), economist Erik Reinert shows by reaching for historical examples how wealthy...
26.10.2015 - 18:56

Found in the attic of a cathedral

This sacred image is dated back approximately to the 18th century, but its value is not in its age, but in its plot. It depicts the Last Judgment, a topic that is well-understood to any Christian....
26.10.2015 - 18:52

Camouflaged inventors

Winners of the competition were awarded in Kyiv on October 22. This year, the organizers received 226 applications from 26 companies and organizations. A lot of them were submitted by ATO...
26.10.2015 - 18:19

70 trees to the 70th UN anniversary

October 24, the United Nations celebrated its 70th anniversary. UN Office in Ukraine commemorated that date with an important and useful event – “70 trees to the 70th UN anniversary....
26.10.2015 - 17:08

“These books call for giving up simulation”

We continue to publish readers’ comments on our new products. The 67th Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s largest fair of books, was held in Germany on October 13-18. Ukraine was also...
26.10.2015 - 16:50

In November Den is presenting its new books in Zaporizhia

This is a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the authors and compilers of the publicist triptych, learn how these books were written, and what was left behind the scenes, as well as why...
26.10.2015 - 16:44

Word as a weapon of mass destruction

There are nowadays many publications worldwide about the information war Russia started against Ukraine. But very few of them in media go in detail on how the Russian propaganda can be dealt with....
26.10.2015 - 16:42

Four “nuances” of Justin Trudeau’s victory

The general election held in Canada on October 19 was special for many reasons. Firstly, it was the first such event after the changes to national legislation mandating that general elections should...
26.10.2015 - 16:34

Music dialogs

The 26th International Festival “Kyiv Music Fest” has ended. Its events that are worth of attention included the performance of Canadian ensemble Gryphon Trio. Its lineup includes...
26.10.2015 - 16:32

Crimea. Maximum-Security Resort

Recently, a movie Crimea. Maximum-Security Resort, advertised by its creators as a piece of investigative journalism, premiered in the Internet. It is a four-series documentary on the history of the...