Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№73, (2015)

08.12.2015 - 10:18

“Read. Think. Act!”

“Russia reads Izvestia, America – The New York Times, and Ukraine – Den.” Back in 1996 this motto outlined the plans of the publication and level (of understanding of...
07.12.2015 - 18:21

Four points from Biden

US Vice President Joe Biden is on a two-day visit to Ukraine. Yesterday during a joint press conference with President Petro Poroshenko the guest emphasized the following four points. First of all,...
07.12.2015 - 18:19

A feast that was worth millions

Long queues lined up at the Olimpiisky National Sports Complex on December 5. People did not come there to watch a soccer match, but to attend the traditional charity fair held annually by the...
07.12.2015 - 18:07

Return to Tsarhorod

State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine named the 2015 winners of the “Best Book of Ukraine.” This year the contest featured 51 titles from 23 domestic book...
07.12.2015 - 18:05

Chonhar. The first results of blockade

The food blockade of Crimea is almost three months old. It was started by Crimean Tatar activists, representatives of the Right Sector, the Aidar battalion, the Azov regiment, and other patriotic...
07.12.2015 - 18:02

Jack, a new enlistee

The dog was first noticed a few weeks ago at the farthest Ukrainian-held point of the Arabat Spit, where border guards serve. The Russian military post is 600 meters from it. Our soldiers say it is...
07.12.2015 - 17:47

The Day’s books are in the NATO library now

Last week a meeting of the NATO foreign ministers took place in Brussels, to which Ukraine’s delegation led by Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin was also invited. Today NATO faces a number of...
07.12.2015 - 17:45

French media did not criticize Poroshenko

The recent speech by President Petro Poroshenko at the Climate Conference in Paris was another challenge for the national media community. And, unfortunately, it should be stated that Ukrainian...
07.12.2015 - 17:43

Muslims of Ukraine: history of solidarity

Thanks to their active civic stand and patriotism, Ukrainian Muslims have managed to win the respect of the rest of society in the past two years of the ordeal that has befallen this country and to...
07.12.2015 - 17:32

From biopics to family dramas to intelligent lobsters

New British Films is a series of premiers and press conferences dedicated to the best new films from the UK, held by the British Council in Ukraine jointly with the Ukrainian company Arthouse Traffic...
07.12.2015 - 17:31

The curse of the “Scottish play”

They say there is a superstition in British theaters, not to call Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth by its name, but as “this play” or “Scottish play,” because the plot is...
07.12.2015 - 17:28

Three kilos of plasticine plus week and a half of sleepless nights

Three kilograms of plasticine, a week and a half of sleepless nights, an endless resource of emotion, and a desire to create. Those were the things needed by students of Adalbert Erdeli Uzhhorod...
07.12.2015 - 17:27

A gallery in a cup

No matter if you like teabags or not, you probably drink it now and then. The ugly swollen bags are whisked out of cups and thrown away – carefully, not to spill any on the floor. Sometimes the...
07.12.2015 - 17:25

1,300 descendants of Ukraine’s great bard live across the world

Three years ago Taras Shevchenko’s great-great-grandson Mykola Lysenko presented the first edition of his book The Roots of the Shevchenko Clan. Recently its reprint was brought out by Apriori...
07.12.2015 - 17:22

“Following the sun”

The display is entitled “Following the sun.” It is retrospective, featuring more than 30 artworks made between the late 1950s and the early 1980s, owned by the artist’s family.Works...