Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

A gallery in a cup

A US artist makes an original diary from teabags
7 December, 2015 - 17:27
Photo from the website RUBYSILVIOUS.COM

No matter if you like teabags or not, you probably drink it now and then. The ugly swollen bags are whisked out of cups and thrown away – carefully, not to spill any on the floor. Sometimes the string snaps, and the bag plops into the cup. It is so annoying: the bag gets into your mouth as you sip your tea, and the drink gets too strong at that.

Meanwhile, Ruby Silvious, a New-York artist, uses teabags as canvas on which she captures her impressions of the day. A person under an umbrella, a pair of legs in floral leggings, sketches of food, and even the maniac Hannibal Lecter are all fragments of the project 363 Days with Tea.

Silvious is an artist and graphic designer. She was born in the Philippines and now lives in upstate New York. At present, she is experimenting with reusing all sorts of materials. She started her project 363 Days with Tea earlier this year. It is a visual diary capturing her impressions of the moment. The artist creates prints and collages with used teabags: thrilling, funny, weird, and sometimes just wonderful.

By Maria PROKOPENKO, The Day