Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№8, (2000)

14.03.2000 - 00:00

Our Problems Are Our Problems

“Your problems are our problems,” Lord Robertson, NATO Secretary General, declared when visiting Kyiv. This statement should not be taken literally, because what he actually meant was a narrow...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

The Budget We Lost?

President Kuchma signed the bill On the State Budget of Ukraine for the Year 2000. At the same time, Interfax Ukraine reports, he addressed letters to Speaker Ivan Pliushch and Premier Viktor...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

A Different Drummer

I entered the university at the height of the movement against the Vietnam War, which included its share of civil disobedience. I also once faced arrest but somehow managed to negotiate an...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

March 15 will show whether Ukraine can avoid default

In different countries the Cabinet usually sums up its performance on the 100th day in office. With Viktor Yushchenko an exception from the rule will perhaps be the case, not so much due to the...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

“Programmed” Test

The governmental program (popularly known as Reforms for Well-Being) drawn up on the bases of presidential address to parliament will be handed over to Parliament this week. The following program...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

A resuscitated monopoly consortium aspiring to replace Naftohaz Ukrayiny?

The March 9 Cabinet session might be described by the motto, “Attention: Gas.” Even prior to the official start of the working day Vice Premier Yuliya Tymoshenko met with businessmen operating in the...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

Mine blast claims 80 lives, leaving 135 fatherless children, with 71 aged under 16

The first attempts to make reforms in the Ukrainian coal industry date from 1996. Previously, the industry employed 650,000 miners extracting 66 million tons of coal in 275 mines, with low efficiency...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

Freedom of Speech or Permissiveness with an Anti-Ukrainian Aftertaste?

Since 1996, Ukraine has had its Constitution Article 10 of which reads: “Ukrainian shall be the official language of Ukraine.” Of course, this wording would be enough for law-abiding citizens and the...
14.03.2000 - 00:00


The eleven people, who occupied last Thursday the Communist Party of Ukraine Central Committee premises in Kyiv, vacated them on March 10 at about one a.m. This group of young people calling...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

This week in history

March 14: 1874. A one-day census was conducted in Kyiv. 1923. By decision of the Council of Ambassadors in Paris, Eastern Galicia was assigned to Poland. March 15: 1919. The All-Ukrainian...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

Air Crash in Moscow: Accident or Terrorism?

Nine persons died when Yak-40 crashed after takeoff at 08:43 Moscow Time at Sheremetyevo-1 Airport on March 9. Interfax reports that Flight 9651 Moscow-Kyiv crashed immediately after takeoff for...
14.03.2000 - 00:00


As war in Chechnya winds down to a low level conflict, it is time to revisit the question of what the war was about and where it will lead. The West reacted to the conflict as a revival of Russian...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

What will Ukraine’s visa policy be?

Viktor Kyryk, head of the Foreign Ministry’s consular department, told at the conference called Ukraine’s Visa Policy: Ways to Reform It (organized by the Europe XXI Foundation) that this country...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

PACE Warns Ukraine on Referendum

Ukraine will be expelled from the Council of Europe if it holds a referendum counter to admonitions expressed by this organization, Hanne Severinsen, PACE rapporteur, told Radio Liberty on March 8,...
14.03.2000 - 00:00

Credit Is Last Chance For Middle Class

Ukraine’s first small businesses are over ten years old (of course, those that have survived). Children of Ukraine’s first businessmen are young men and women, but Ukrainian society is still unsure...
