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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

This week in history

14 March, 2000 - 00:00

March 14: 1874. A one-day census was conducted in Kyiv.

1923. By decision of the Council of Ambassadors in Paris, Eastern Galicia was assigned to Poland.

March 15: 1919. The All-Ukrainian Council of Arts resolved to nationalize Kyiv theaters. 1939. Independent Carpatho-Ukraine emerged.

March 16: 1910. The first issue of the newspaper Ukrayinsky holos (Ukrainian Voice) came out in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

1990. The restored Taras Shevchenko Scholarly Society began its first session in Lviv.

March 17: 1917. The Ukrainian Central Rada, which would evolve into Ukraine’s first national government, began its work.

1926. A monument to Taras Shevchenko, executed by sculptor Ivan Kavaleridze, was unveiled in Poltava.

March 18: 1913. The Ukrainian Sichovi Striltsi (riflemen) military organization was formed in Lviv on the basis of the Sich and Sokoly (Falcons) athletic groups.

1917. A Ukrainian gymnasium (high school) was opened for the first time in Kyiv.

March 19: 1918. The student volunteers killed near Kruty were reburied.

1995. A treaty on cooperation between Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates was signed in Abu-Dhabi.

March 20: 1895. The newspaper Hromadsky holos (Community Voice) began publication in Lviv.

1944. In the course of the Proskuriv-Chernivtsy operation, the troops of the First Ukrainian Front took Vinnytsia and crossed the South Buh River.
