Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№8, (2012)

09.02.2012 - 00:00

Clinton, Munich, and Yanukovych

The 48th Munich Conference for Security held the other day in the Bava­rian capital demonstrated that some countries understood the importance of the issues discussed and the way the new challenges...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

A proper way to teach children

The success of Finnish edu­cation system draws atten­tion of many count­ries. Recently Finnish teen­agers have been winning first places in mathe­matics, natural scien­ces,...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Ukrainian Birthday of “Akademik Vernadsky”

When in 1993 Great Britain spread information that it is willing to transfer its research station to one of non-Antarctic states, after lengthy bilateral negotiations they chose Ukraine. Although,...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

The princess and her four-legged long-tailed furry friends

It is a remarkable event for all Ukrainian animal wel­fare ad­vo­­cates, as Bul­­ga­rian ve­te­ri­narians have been sterilizing Kyiv’s stray dogs and cats free of charge, se­ven days a week, using...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

This day in history

1648: Bohdan Khmelnytsky is elected as Hetman of Ukraine. 1667: Muscovy and the Polish Kingdom (Rzeczpospolita) make the Truce of Andrusovo, whereby Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Viktor Yanukovych had to speak accompanied by oppositionists’ shouts

The Ukrainian parliament has seen a lot of creativity: Leonid Kuchma given bast shoes, one of the spea­kers pelted with eggs and even anti-NATO balloons hang up in the chamber. Recent Viktor...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Dnipropetrovsk oblast residents raising funds for Shevchenko monument

Residents of Verkhniodniprovsk, the homeland of Volodymyr Shcherbytsky, former First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine, are demanding that a monument to Taras Shevchenko be erected in the...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Valentyn NALYVAICHENKO: Opposition can be saved only with new faces

The negotiations of the oppo­si­tion within the Dic­ta­tor­ship Re­si­stan­ce Committee about united actions are a kind of a test. Can they adhere to the dec­la­red principles or does every­one still...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Putin’s post-election agenda

The return of President Vladimir Putin in next month’s Russian elections is depicted by official statements as doubly vital for the country’s national security. First, it will allegedly...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Philharmonic Hall or University building?

The authorities of the Volyn oblast want to arrange a philharmonic hall in the building of the old station officers’ club. However, at the moment this building in downtown Lutsk is in rather...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Lessening of social tension. Romanian style

Replacement of prime minister of Romania took place very quickly: the President Traian Basescu appointed the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Mihai Razvan Ungureanu aged 43 in the position...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

ARSENALE 2012 acquires distinct features

The Mystetsky Arsenal has held a press conference dedicated to the First international artistic biennale in Kyiv, ARSENALE 2012. The conference was attended by the art expert and art theoretician,...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

In the middle of Europe, in the middle of the action

That’s how Ukraine is step­ping into the leap year 2012. What it will bring mankind, Europeans, Ukrai­nians, is any­one’s guess. One thing is certain: much will depend on us...
09.02.2012 - 00:00

Ukraine and Russia – 20 years without empire: historical lessons

(Continuation; for beginning see the previous issues)Yu.A.: “This is a very sore point. The distorted Russian society emerges from three rather different angles. A part of the distortion has its...
