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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Bronislaw Komorowski signed a new national security strategy

5 November, 2014 - 18:10

President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski approved and signed a new national security strategy for the country on November 5. “This is a significant document indicating the changes and activities that are important in terms of the position in which we find ourselves as a state and a nation due to the changed security situation to the east of the borders of NATO, the EU, and Poland,” Komorowski noted. According to him, the strategy will serve as the basis for the country’s other acts to be adopted which will deal with the development of the armed forces and enhancing the nation’s defense capabilities. “One of them will be the defense directive, a top-secret document on the defense system,” he said. Komorowski’s assessment is that the space to the east of the Polish border has undergone permanent changes that have established a long-term security threat to Poland. Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Poland Tomasz Siemoniak pointed out in his turn that “this strategy will be in force for a period of threat” and “it describes the directions of building our own defense capabilities as well as using the civil society’s energy and NATO allies’ assistance.” The new strategy states that the security of Europe will depend on four main factors: NATO, the EU, the US’ strategic presence in Europe, and relationship with Russia. Regarding the Russian Federation, the document notes the importance of “resolving difficult issues according to the standards of international law.”
