Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№69, (2014)

06.11.2014 - 10:06

On two realities

“The laws on the special status of Donbas will be canceled. Militants rejected the possibility of a dialog,” the president’s words seem to show his enlightenment at the time when...
05.11.2014 - 18:17

Angela Merkel to David Cameron: no objections to you exiting the EU

For the first time ever, German Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested that the UK might exit the EU, as reported by German magazine Der Spiegel. The publication states that Merkel and British Prime...
05.11.2014 - 18:16

“Legacy of Vasyl Stus can become a strong element of the school’s new vision”

The solemn opening brought together researchers, local universities’ rectors, leaders of the city and the region, while Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhii Kvit was present as...
05.11.2014 - 18:15

The “dress rehearsal” was held in Kyiv

Shortly before setting off for the tour, the musicians, led by artistic director and chief conductor of the famous team, Volodymyr Sirenko, did a fair bit of work at home. They actively participated...
05.11.2014 - 18:14

“A powerful signal for investors”

Ukraine continues improving business environment for local entrepreneurs, despite the economic crisis and political perturbations. As a result, this year Ukraine appeared among the top 100 countries...
05.11.2014 - 18:13

Three priorities of the Israeli Ambassador

New Ambassador of the State of Israel to Ukraine Eli Belotserkovsky traditionally gave his first interview to our newspaper. Despite the fact that the Ambassador spent the previous three missions in...
05.11.2014 - 18:10

Bronislaw Komorowski signed a new national security strategy

President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski approved and signed a new national security strategy for the country on November 5. “This is a significant document indicating the changes and...
05.11.2014 - 18:03

Russia is turning into an enemy of humanity

Two events in Ukraine and Russia appear to have been interconnected, if not outwardly, then essentially: the operetta elections in the Donbas (Ukraine) and the National Unity Day officially...
05.11.2014 - 18:01

The US makes a choice

In line with expectations, the Republican Party, known also as the GOP (Grand Old Party), won the midterm elections to the US Congress held on November 4. Let us recall that Americans elected one...
05.11.2014 - 17:58

NATO inadequately assesses clear and present danger

Russia has of late stepped up provocative flights close to the airspace of NATO member countries. Over a hundred Russian military aircraft intercepts have been registered since the start of the year...
05.11.2014 - 17:56

Journalistic attitude and self-censorship in wartime

Two weeks ago Andrii Tsapliienko, a war correspondent, scriptwriter, special news reporter for the 1+1 TV channel, was awarded the TV Press Favorite 2014 prize. In the past year, Den’s nominee...
05.11.2014 - 17:55

Who treats the wounded from Maidan?

Dmytro Hissa from Zhytomyr has a hole in his head: his skull was broken by the so-called titushky. “I need some kind of plug,” laughs Dmytro, who sells car parts. On February 22, he was...
05.11.2014 - 17:53

Raising woods from ashes

An increasing number of websites in Ukraine are warning people in ATO areas to filter drinking water. These warnings stem from environmentalists’ studies. They have even developed a special...
05.11.2014 - 17:50

The Flying Dutchman’s scenery destroyed to finance the Donetsk People’s Republic

Let us recall that back in February, the Shevchenko Prize Committee determined by a secret ballot five laureates of 2014 in the following categories:LITERATUREMyroslav Dochynets for books Well-Digger...
05.11.2014 - 17:47

“Our country is getting closer to global renaissance”

Everything performed by the musician was deeply thought through, felt deeply, and verified. The pianist has shown a long non-standard program, which has embraced music pieces from baroque to the...
