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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Damascus is changing rhetoric

Viacheslav SHVED: “Syrians demonstrated that they will not tolerate further ruling of Assad”
5 March, 2013 - 10:02

The meeting of the International Group of “Friends of Syria” which is held in Rome on February 28 will be attended by the Syrian opposition, which earlier declared a boycott of the summit. This was announced by Ahmad Moaz al-Khatib, chairman of the National Coalition of Opposition and Revolutionary Forces of Syria, who posted a statement about it on his Facebook page. His spokesman Walid al-Buni said to the channel Al-Jazeera that Al-Khatib spoke with the US Secretary of State John Kerry a few days before the summit. After that conversation Al-Khatib changed his mind. “I want our friends in the Syrian opposition council to know that we are not coming to Rome simply to talk. We are coming to Rome to make a decision on next steps,” said Kerry after he consulted with his British counterpart William Hague. Meanwhile Kerry already also had a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who described the conversation with the US Secretary of State as “quite constructive.”

The evidence of a new phase of Syrian conflict are also the recent statements made by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem, who announced that the official Damascus is ready to negotiate with the rebels.

Viacheslav SHVED, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, vice-president of the all-Ukrainian NGO “Ukrainian Center for Islamic Studies” told The Day about the prospects of negotiations between Damascus officials and the rebels and about the impact of the global community on the Syrian conflict:

“Bashar Assad has already realized that he needs to find a way to leave the game. The recent statement of the Foreign Minister of Syria [regarding the willingness to start the negotiation process with the rebels. – Ed.] means just that.

“On February 26 Kerry had a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov regarding the Syrian conflict and ways to solve it. It was reported to be constructive. The United States and Russia are trying to find a ‘common platform’ which would most likely be the resignation of Bashar Assad. These are the events and factors that prompted Assad to send such signal through his minister. Thus, if Damascus says that they agree to negotiations, they certainly understand that the international community would demand the immediate removal of Assad. The newly elected US Secretary of State John Kerry is now touring Europe and the Middle East. Syrian conflict is in the center of his diplomatic tour. At the same time, the US administration announced that they are considering the possible selling of arms to Syrian rebels. Before the official Washington has avoided this issue, since there was a fear that weapons might get into the hands of extremist groups who would use it for their own purposes and eventually these weapons might be used against Americans.

“By the way, Great Britain and France have initiated the discussion among the EU members about the possible lifting of the embargo for selling arms to Syrian rebels. These events are a serious message to the official Damascus.”

What are the prospects for negotiations between Damascus and the rebels? And how can events unfold in the near future?

“I think there is a certain chance that such negotiations will take place. Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as Prime Minister himself did not participate in bloody raids. Thus, the rebels and the international community could agree to negotiations in such format. Moaz al-Khatib has repeatedly declared the willingness for such talks with the prime minister. Of course, this dialogue may be a failure. But it would mean a new, bloody, turn in the Syrian crisis. After all, the present situation requires the Syrian people to search for a common platform for solving this crisis by political means.

“Meanwhile, in my opinion, it is totally possible that some people from the current government could become a part of the new government – there are precedents of such facts in history.

“The main task now is to stop the slaughtering. The Syrians have proved that they will no longer tolerate further Assad ruling. In people’s minds he is a bloody butcher, torturer, and he has no political future. For now Assad still has a chance to save his life and not to end it the way Muammar Gaddafi did.”

You said that Britain and France will suggest other EU member states to consider selling arms to Syrians. What do you think about the efficiency of external impact on the events in Syria?

“It is high enough. External factors contributed to the consolidation of the opposition ranks. Last year in Doha, the capital of Qatar, on the initiative of this country, as well as the US and several European countries, the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces was created. It includes the widest range of forces opposed to Assad’s regime – not only Sunnits, but also a part of the alawites, the Kurds, leftist secular circles, including Christians. By the way, the core of this coalition is the Syrian National Council, led by a Christian, former leader of the Syrian Communist Party George Sabra. Finally after that the Syrian national coalition gained wider recognition of the international community. A month ago, 110 countries have recognized it as the only representative of the Syrian people. Now, the main task of the international community is to find political means for solving the Syrian crisis. Syrian people are now on the verge of humanitarian catastrophe.”

Is it possible that the US might change its position regarding this conflict, given that there is a new political player in this picture – John Kerry, who will have to deal with this issue?

“Americans have started their attempts to establish a constructive dialogue with Moscow prior to the most recent events, given the latest changes in the position of the Kremlin regarding the Syrian crisis. By the way, President Barack Obama in his address to the nation did not say that Assad should immediately leave his post. His passage was rather careful. In a few days Kerry stated that Assad did not get it right: he has to leave and there should be no illusions about this.

“In my opinion, Russia has practically agreed to look for the best way to resolve the Syrian conflict together with the United States and the international community. Let’s hope that common sense will prevail and Russia, as its leaders state, would not be concerned with Assad’s regime but with the situation of the Syrian people.”

By Ihor SAMOKYSH, The Day