Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№15, (2013)

05.03.2013 - 10:14

“I would picture the map of Ukraine made of The Day’s photos”

The Day’s days will soon begin in Donetsk. Starting from March 5 Donetsk residents will have a chance to see the best photographs of The Day’s Photo Contest 2012 as well as photo-winners...
05.03.2013 - 10:12

Fighting mental and physical barriers

Recently, the media reported truly sensational news, at least for Ukraine – a wheelchair-bound lawyer Dmytro Zhary won his court case against a pharmacy chain, the first disability...
05.03.2013 - 10:10

Scythian Gold returns home

This is the first exhibition of Scythian antiquities of such scale that was ever held in Ukraine, said Nadia Kapustina, director of Dmytro Yavornytsky Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum. The...
05.03.2013 - 10:08

Double Golden Victory at Championship

European Indoor Athletics Championship closed on Sunday March 3 in Gothenburg, Sweden. On the last day of competition Ukrainian athletes won two gold medals: in race for 800 meters and in triple jump...
05.03.2013 - 10:07

Across the oceans and steppes

The Day found Vadym Biriukovych in the social networking service Facebook. The guy writes that he is going to achieve his dream, a round-the-world voyage on a yacht, and is now personally finishing...
05.03.2013 - 10:07

Create, Volodia!

Recently, The Day published an article about the blind Kharkiv-based journalist and activist Volodymyr Noskov. The story is back with a fantastic sequel – a foreign reader of this newspaper...
05.03.2013 - 10:06

What should be discussed?

Ex-CEO of Kraft Foods Ukraine, and now Vice Rector for Strategic Planning and Development of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Yurii Lohush is a longtime reader of The Day. He had made into ‘...
05.03.2013 - 10:02

Damascus is changing rhetoric

The meeting of the International Group of “Friends of Syria” which is held in Rome on February 28 will be attended by the Syrian opposition, which earlier declared a boycott of the summit...
05.03.2013 - 10:00

The first half is in Kyiv’s favor

Strange as it may sound, both sides, the EU and Ukraine, are satisfied with the results of the summit that took place in Brussels these days. The Ambassador of Ukraine to the EU Kostiantyn Yelisieiev...
05.03.2013 - 09:59

Tefft to be replaced with expert on Asia and Latin America

The current US Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft will be replaced with career diplomat Geoffrey Pyatt, according to the official website of the White House. US President Barack Obama announcing the...
05.03.2013 - 09:57

Marriage is a common cause

Muslim brides are waiting for the beginning of mass wedding ceremony organized by the muslim volunteer organization in the city of Ahmedabad.Overall, 162 couples from the entire state of Gujarat have...
05.03.2013 - 09:34

“To love another person means to see the face of God”

Musical drama film Les Miserables (based on the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo) became one of the most successful film projects of the season. Recently it has been confirmed by the American...
04.03.2013 - 18:19

Three obstacles on the way to European integration

Last week the German publication Die Welt carried a notable article, “Ukraine in a Three-Front War,” by Gerhard Gnauck and Silke Muelherr about the Ukraine-EU summit. As one of the...
04.03.2013 - 18:17

If secrets are revealed, does it become clearer in the country?

Access of the broadest possible sections of the public to the still classified Cheka-GPU-NKVD-KGB archival materials is an indispensable condition for building a civil society in Ukraine (the...
04.03.2013 - 18:13

On paternalistic mood and alternative social movements

Ostroh Club was a serious basis for adult life for its participants. It was a transition period from being students to realization of what they wanted to do in life. Let us remind our readers that...
