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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

“I would picture the map of Ukraine made of The Day’s photos”

Donetsk awaits March 5
5 March, 2013 - 10:14
Photo courtesy of the exhibition and art center “ArtDonbas”

The Day’s days will soon begin in Donetsk. Starting from March 5 Donetsk residents will have a chance to see the best photographs of The Day’s Photo Contest 2012 as well as photo-winners from the past years – the total of over 250 photographs. For the first time all the photos that were displayed on The Day’s Photo Exhibition 2012 in Kyiv, which opened on the 16th anniversary of the newspaper, will be presented in Donetsk. Besides, the bonus for the region will be the presentation of photographs of the Donbas. By the way, there are a few Donetsk photographers among the authors. Is their vision of Donetsk different than the vision of masters from other regions? Come and see for yourself!

The second visit (first visit was back in 2011) of the photo exhibition to the capital of Donbas was made possible thanks to the openness and hospitality of the art gallery “ArtDonbas,” that gladly welcomes us in its modern spacious showrooms. Director of the exhibition and art center “ArtDonbas” Kateryna KALINICHENKO noted: “The Day does a great thing. Such contests bring together people of different professions and different age to unite them as a whole. It is always interesting to show each region the union of creative ideas and vision of modern Ukraine. I think it is very important. In this way we will be able to look in a new way at people around us. I am very glad that The Day will present its photo exhibition in our art gallery.”

Halyna CHUMAK, director of the Donetsk Oblast Art Museum, recalls: “I remember The Day’s photo exhibition in Donetsk in 2011. It made a great impression on me. The photos presented at that exhibition were alive and interesting, they radiated real emotions. Modern media cannot satisfy the reader: just look at what is shown on television. But The Day is a nice exception. People often look for something that resembles them or is close for them in the photos. It is not only the reflection of a person (photographer) in the world, but also thought, reality, and life. Photographs often reveal things that cannot be captured by human eyes.” Talking with The Day’s journalist Chumak said that she feels sad about the fact that she won’t be able to come to the opening of the exhibition but she assured us that she will visit the exhibition in Donetsk some other time. Another Donetsk resident Olesia Bolot told us that she would “picture the map of Ukraine made of The Day’s photos. It is interesting to see how photographers look at their country and what they want to show and tell others about it. It is also interesting to see how people’s vision of what is around them changes with time: the important things that caught photographers’ eyes in the past and today are very different. And of course it is very interesting to see the photos of Donbas.”

The opening of The Day’s Photo Exhibition will take place on March 5 at 5 p.m. Visitors will be able to enjoy the traditional atmosphere of live photo, music, and communication. Larysa Ivshyna, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, will also be present at the event. The program of The Day’s days in Donetsk includes meeting of the editor of the newspaper with students of Donetsk National University and Donetsk National University of Management. Students expect a meaningful discussion of important social, historical, and journalistic issues. “I look forward to The Day’s Photo Exhibition and meeting newspaper’s chief editor Larysa Ivshyna. I think it is important for today’s students to come to such meetings. Young people are the foundation that forms the future and present of the country. And it is impossible without remembering the past, considering the historic events, and understanding the things described in newspaper articles. Unfortunately, I did not visit the photo exhibition in Donetsk two years ago, so I look forward to seeing one this year. I am looking forward to learning about something new, getting fresh emotions and impressions,” Myroslava KULESHOVA, second-year student of Donetsk State University of Management, told The Day.

Besides, at the opening of the photo exhibition The Day will present its new series “Armor-Piercing Political Writing” and books from The Day’s Library series. The books will be available for purchase at the exhibition. All visitors can also subscribe for the newspaper for the price of the publisher.

The art and exhibition center “ArtDonbas” is on 189-K Cheliuskintsiv Street in Donetsk. Admission is free. The exhibition will be open from March 5 through 25, during this time the visitors can vote for the best photo.

By Kateryna YAKOVLENKO, The Day, Donetsk