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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Zigzags of Integration

23 July, 2002 - 00:00

Recently Ukraine witnessed a peak of diplomatic activity connected with its efforts to catch the train which, incidentally, is already moving. In fact, for the immediate future these events (the Ukraine-European Union summit in Copenhagen and first visit to Ukraine by a delegation of NATO member states’ ambassadors to the alliance, headed by NATO Secretary General George Robertson) will define Ukraine’s position in that same European space it strives to enter not only geographically, and not without reason.

These two events, not at all planned separately, left one completely different impressions. From the one hand, for the first time Ukraine has been clearly told that in fact the future scenario of the relationship depends on it, on how it transforms its own for the declarations into concrete practical deeds. It is easy to guess what this implies development of the Ukraine-NATO relationship. For the first time it was stated that Ukraine can be not only consumer of but donor to common European security; that it will not be denied consideration of its application for entry [to NATO] as soon as it is ready; that, while today there is no consensus among NATO members on relations with Ukraine, everything could change as Ukraine carries out reforms and thus proves its ability to become one of the members of such a reputable integration union. It was also stated that NATO also has to do its homework for the Prague summit. Thus, the long awaited signal was given to start work that should be done in any case.

A few days earlier in Copenhagen Ukraine was in fact denied the right to count on the European Union’s assistance in the hard and lengthy process of bringing all its standards into accordance with the EU rules and to proceed in its relationship with the EU from the so-called Copenhagen criteria (the EU membership criteria). Denmark, now presiding over the EU, has given a clear sign that relations with Ukraine is not among its priorities and even the neighborhood concept driving negative reactions not only in Ukraine will not be considered seriously before the beginning of EU enlargement. The present Denmark gave to Ukraine on the occasion of its EU presidency was closing the Danish embassy in Kyiv. This is also a signal. One can call it an indication of shortsightedness and lack of ability to consider the situation from the strategic point of view or recall Pavlo Tychyna’s words, “We should mind our own [business].” True, we should mind our own business. Ukraine has no option but modernize everything that can be and not just in declarative but in terms of a real transition to the contemporary forms of organizing public life. Ukraine will never get a chance to make [the world] take it into consideration if it remains economically weak and strategically dependent on Moscow or any other strategic partner. The concept of the EU-Ukraine relationship being worked out now by think tanks is rather unrealistic. An attempt to erect a curtain (meaning not only visa one but trade relations and cooperation in the sphere of security) becomes more and more visible. Ukrainian proposals on both studying opportunities for liberalizing visa and trade regimes and defining key moments making it possible to set things in motion and give the relationship a normal modern quality still remain only subject to discuss at conferences without any real consequences.

It is understandable that such a situation cannot be regarded as normal or have any positive influence on the general picture of security and stability in Europe, that these problems have to be solved in some way or another; however, both sides take the risk of losing the remaining possible contact points by then. Ukraine is in a situation when it needs a clear stimulus, clearly defined policy, and revise its existing one. None of the countries that are members of the contemporary club of the wealthy have ever faced such a complete misunderstanding of their prospects. Obviously, the only way out is self-development making us change our own point of view, which is far from being a desperate situation.

By Viktor ZAMYATIN, The Day