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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Viktor Zamyatin

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Статті автора

13.11.2012 - 00:00
By Viktor Zamyatin, The Day It looks as though President Kuchma made a rash statement during the ceremony commemorating the Chornobyl disaster when he said that Ukraine could not await an EBRD loan any longer and would therefore complete the reconstruction of power units at the Rivne and...
13.11.2012 - 00:00
The Ukrainian statistics released last week some contain data that cannot please anyone: trade with Russia in the first half of this year has decreased by 20% from the same period of last year. And this is despite the fact that both countries' presidents have come to terms on the necessity to...
13.11.2012 - 00:00
Finally, Ukraine has made public its long expected new approach to the issue of reforming the Commonwealth of Independent States. This took place at a meeting of the intergovernmental working group on CIS reform in Minsk. The Ukrainian position was articulated by Anton Buteiko, head of Ukrainian...
12.11.2012 - 00:00
During his last visit to Kyiv two weeks ago, NATO Secretary General Javier Solana presented his new proposals on Kyiv-NATO cooperation. However, apart from the question of how to implement these proposals, there is a more basic question of whether it is worth the trouble. While in Warsaw,...
05.07.2005 - 00:00
The first half of the year of Our Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic activities has ended in a massive diplomatic offensive aimed at France and held at the highest political level; also, in the ceremony of opening the long-suffering memorial at the Lychakivske Cemetery in Lviv, and NATO Secretary...
14.06.2005 - 00:00
Kyiv was expecting to host Javier Solana, Secretary-General of the EU Council and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. It has now been confirmed that the visit will not take place. Instead, as previously planned, on June 13 Luxembourg hosted a meeting of the Ukraine-EU...
26.04.2005 - 00:00
Three years ago, on May 23, 2000, Ukraine for the first time openly declared its intention to join NATO. What has happened in the rather complicated intervening period? There was the Prague Summit, where, despite the unfavorable political atmosphere, the Ukraine-NATO Action Plan was adopted. This...
05.04.2005 - 00:00
The former and current Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Borys Tarasiuk, sounded optimistic in his first interview with The Day after the presidential election, predicting the fruition of Ukraine’s plans as a regional leader and the creation of the Democratic Choice coalition. He is also opposed to the...
05.04.2005 - 00:00
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko’s visit to the United States is, on the one hand, a revival of an old tradition, when both a new president’s term in office and a new political year in Ukraine began with a meeting with a US head of state. On the other hand, if this visit results only in the...
22.03.2005 - 00:00
As Vladimir Putin was visiting Ukraine, it transpired that the “Single Economic Space” idea did not belong to Russia. Mr. Putin said so in Kyiv. During President Viktor Yushchenko’s visit to Moscow in January, it was stated that the Kremlin had been complying with the previous Ukrainian leadership’...
