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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Dmytro Zhyrenko

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Статті автора

27.04.2004 - 00:00
On May 1, Ukraine will become neighbor of the European Union both de jure and de facto, since on this day ten new members are to join the Union of Coal and Steel. In this connection, great responsibility falls upon Ukraine, since our western borders will in fact become EU eastern ones. Unifying EU...
27.04.2004 - 00:00
“As of today, the Ukrainian military are the main contributors to international peacekeeping efforts,” noted Ihor Tymofeyev, Deputy Minister of Defense (right in photo), at a press conference last Friday. In terms of the number of missions accomplished in the past and being accomplished now,...
23.03.2004 - 00:00
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine recognized that the bill On Introducing Amendments to the Fundamental Law (No. 4105), approved by the parliament on December 24, 2003, complies with Articles 157 and 158 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Thirteen judges supported this decision with four voting...
02.03.2004 - 00:00
Last Wednesday the Security Service of Ukraine made public the results of its activity in solving crimes connected with human trafficking. As was learned, on February 19, Ukrainian law enforcement bodies conducted a successful special operation in Liberia, where Ukrainian peacekeepers are now based...
13.01.2004 - 00:00
The year 2003 proved difficult for the Ukrainian politicians — against the backdrop of certain political successes in the international arena, domestic political strife only intensified. It was a year of lasting discord in Verkhovna Rada. Yet, despite the opposition’s desperate attempts to obstruct...
23.12.2003 - 00:00
What are Ukraine’s national interests and how is one to defend them in the severe competition of geopolitical alliances, given a variety of scenarios? Several weeks ago, The Day wrote about a debate on the subject, involving Ukrainian lawmakers. This time we offer the reader expert views on the...
23.12.2003 - 00:00
Ukraine’s strategy on the international arena has been under discussion almost since its gaining independence. Simultaneously, against the background of the increasing influence of globalization, domestic analysts have failed to pay sufficient attention to the issues of globalization and...
09.12.2003 - 00:00
What is the price of integration with the European Union, Single Economic Space, and both structures simultaneously? The conference, International Experience of Regional Forms of Integration, organized jointly by the International Renaissance Foundation and the Humanitarian Technologies Development...
18.11.2003 - 00:00
Last Thursday President Leonid Kuchma requested the Constitutional Court to provide an official interpretation of the constitutional clauses envisioning the reasons for an early dissolution of Verkhovna Rada by the president. The appeal reads that the president has been forced to appeal to the...
21.10.2003 - 00:00
Germany is one of Europe’s countries where the principle of a parliamentary republic has not only been fully implemented, but is successfully functioning with all the stability and scrupulousness the Germans have become famous for. Unlike in Italy, which is also a parliamentary republic, German...
