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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Iryna Kukhar

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Статті автора

22.03.2005 - 00:00
Old predictions have come true. The biggest — until last week — and seemingly unbreakable mega-faction Our Ukraine has suffered its first losses. A group of 19 lawmakers of the Ukrainian People’s Party (UPP) has approved a decision to withdraw from Our Ukraine and create its own faction, which...
02.11.2004 - 00:00
Among the topics discussed during the course of this election campaign have been quite a few that were debated prior to the 1994 presidential elections, including the establishment of Russian as the second official language, dual citizenship, and others. The Hegelian dialectic alone certainly...
16.03.2004 - 00:00
Uliana KYRIYENKO, Global Strategies Institute: “The Kliuchkovsky-Rudkivsky Proportional Elections Bill approved in the first reading has finally concretized the current state of compromise in Verkhovna Rada. Despite the multitude of election bills that reflect the interests of the majority,...
16.03.2004 - 00:00
Vadym KARASIOV, director, Institute for Global Strategies: All things considered, Russia has overcome its depression and entered a phase in its history which is actively expanding. It is very important to analyze the challenges Russia is facing Ukraine with. At first, from the early till the...
13.01.2004 - 00:00
The year 2003 proved difficult for the Ukrainian politicians — against the backdrop of certain political successes in the international arena, domestic political strife only intensified. It was a year of lasting discord in Verkhovna Rada. Yet, despite the opposition’s desperate attempts to obstruct...
30.09.2003 - 00:00
Verkhovna Rada recently heard the 2004 budget bill. As previously reported, it envisions UAH 58,220.041 million in revenue and UAH 59,916.042 million in spending, with UAH 2,369.347 million deficit ceiling, Compared to this year, the 2004 budget incomes are proposed to be increased by UAH 6.4...
22.07.2003 - 00:00
The parliament has gone into recess. Somebody said wittily that the session just ended was “a session of codes” which dragged on, however, for several parliamentary semesters... As the current parliamentary cycle was drawing to a close, The Day’ s correspondents asked some people’s deputies what...
22.07.2003 - 00:00
Ukraine has proclaimed a course toward integration into the European Union and NATO, the two elite clubs. What exactly will the next president have to do to achieve this goal? Volodymyr TANDURA, Associate Professor, Chernihiv Shevchenko State University: “The future president should...
22.04.2003 - 00:00
Iryna ROZHKOVA, Head of the Political Sociology Department, the European Institute for Integration and Development: “I believe first of all we should touch on the issue of the election criteria in terms of the voters’ rational or irrational motives with corrections for age categories. For...
15.04.2003 - 00:00
Political history is a history of men’s politics. Women occupy about 12% seats in the world’s parliaments, while the remaining 88% are occupied by men. The situation with the “women’s question” in Ukraine, which was discussed at an April 9 round table in Kyiv dedicated to the first anniversary of...
