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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Larysa Ivshyna

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Статті автора

27.03.2018 - 10:25
AN INTRUSIVE THOUGHT  THAT ALWAYS TORMENTS ME:  IS IT POSSIBLE TO LEARN GRATITUDE? HOW?The first gigantic goal our newspaper considered it necessary to set was to overcome the “Ukrainian chasm” in one jump. It was in 1999. It is very good that many people understand now that...
12.12.2017 - 12:11
A good tradition of our newspaper, which started in 2009 and has been, by the way, supported by our readers as well, has been to celebrate important, significant events, facts, abrupt turning points of national history throughout a certain 12-month period. Thus, the cycles of Den’s years were...
24.10.2017 - 12:09
It is concrete personalities, not the abstract “forces of progress,” that fill and push forward history in general and the cause of human freedom in particular. They are prepared to cross their personal Rubicon for the sake of this freedom, although their friends, relatives, and like-...
24.10.2017 - 12:01
This noted economist, public figure, and patron of the arts would have marked his 91st birthday on October 19. Below are comments by people who have known him and worked with him.I remember watching recently a short documentary film about Bohdan Hawrylyshyn on the Culture TV channel. The...
08.08.2017 - 11:46
Den’s new publication The Crown, or Heritage of the Kingdom of Rus’ offers a fresh look at the key events in Ukrainian historyNo sooner had Den announced it was finishing The Crown, or Heritage of the Kingdom of Rus’ – a new publication in the “Ukraine Incognita...
08.11.2016 - 11:05
In spite of all the Internet possibilities, I keep on the cover of my Facebook page a photograph, perhaps not of the best quality, which shows a part of our family. This picture is very precious to me. At a time when Facebook has become the “the family album” of the Universe, I decided...
19.10.2016 - 18:30
I remember watching recently a short documentary film about Bohdan Hawrylyshyn on the Culture TV channel. The camera followed him to his native village of Koropets, Ternopil oblast. You could not help noticing that Mr. Hawrylyshyn was recalling his parents and his life here, in his homeland,...
30.03.2016 - 18:17
The Day has been closely following the situation with Ukrainian Christianity, interconfessional relationships, and problems relating to the spiritual mission of the Church in modern conditions. Although separated from the state, the Church remains part of society, taking an active part in the...
22.10.2015 - 11:44
Hlukhiv, currently a town in Ukraine’s backwater Sumy oblast, once the capital city of the Hetman State, appears to stand a chance of having a bona fide mayor after decades of rigged elections, after Michel Terestchenko, Paris-born grandson of Mykhailo Tereshchenko of the legendary Ukrainian...
23.02.2015 - 18:01
This photo was submitted for the Den Photo Competition in 2013. It stunned me then. But when the Maidan began and I recalled it, I felt as if an electric shock darted through me. It was clear to me: a day will come when we will have to put up this photo. I only didn’t know when. And we put it...
