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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Volodymyr Fesenko

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Статті автора

25.09.2013 - 17:14
Last week was marked with two international forums where clear messages were aired by the leaders of the states – what the international policy of Russia and Ukraine will be in the near future. The 10th annual meeting of the International Valdai Discussion Club was held in Russia’s...
20.03.2007 - 00:00
On Feb. 27 and March 3, 2007, a roundtable on “The Reform of the Security Service of Ukraine: For Those in Power or for Society?” was held on the initiative of the sociopolitical association Ukrainian Forum. Roundtables dealing with a variety of topics are standard practice these days. In recent...
08.02.2005 - 00:00
Forming the cabinet and appointing heads of central and regional executive bodies was the first serious test of strength for Viktor Yushchenko’s team and the entire political coalition that won the presidential elections. There is even talk of the new government’s first crisis. I think it is more a...
23.11.2004 - 00:00
Ukraine is on the verge of a major political crisis after the presidential runoff. November 22, CEC, after processing 98.23% of the ballots, announced that government-nominated candidate Viktor Yanukovych has scored 49.57% and Viktor Yushchenko 46.57%. Since Sunday night a massive rally in support...
02.11.2004 - 00:00
More than enough food for thought for politicians, experts, and the electorate. The first principal factor is the polarization of the Ukrainian electorate manifesting itself in the first round. Some 80% voters backed the two leading presidential candidates and Ukraine became once again divided...
21.09.2004 - 00:00
Prior to the opening of the Verkhovna Rada’s sixth session, most experts and people’s deputies with a penchant for publicity predicted that the parliamentary campaign this fall would be marked by endless conflicts between pro-government and opposition forces. Another parliamentary crisis was...
20.04.2004 - 00:00
A rather controversial situation had taken shape in the course of the political situation after April 8. Allegations that the reform of the political system has failed do not reflect the entire reality. To be precise, this reform has stopped halfway. Verkhovna Rada has decided to introduce a...
10.03.2004 - 00:00
Even after the Constitution is amended the president will remain the most influential state executiveOf fundamental importance to the head of state will be a strong pro-presidential majority in the parliamentA coalition government will become a restricting factor for the premier Any major...
21.10.2003 - 00:00
On hearing recently the forecast of a poll bureau chief that Viktor Yanukovych is able to win in the first round of the presidential elections (with his current rating being 10%), I recalled a very instructive story. A few years ago I had an opportunity to rub shoulders with one Prof. Yadov,...
28.01.2003 - 00:00
The Day continues to discuss the prospects of the Ukrainian Left parties. This time the subject is approached from a geo-historical angle, summing up the key trends in the transformation and evolution of the “Left veterans” faced with the need to meet current challenges. The Ukrainian Left have...
