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Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

Yulia Lytvyn

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Статті автора

21.09.2010 - 00:00
Borys Malynovsky devoted 70 years of his life to science. At the age of 90, he is a famous scientist — one of the creators of the first computers. Today the scientist is an advisor to the Board of the Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), an Honored...
21.09.2010 - 00:00
One electronic textbook weighing half a kilo! This is what students will carry in their backpacks in the future, instead of the traditional five to eight kilos of heavy books. Moreover, the device can store all the manuals from the first to eleventh grades, as well as an entire library in...
07.09.2010 - 00:00
Information technologies are developing at a breathtaking speed. Sadly, Internet is scarcely used in Ukrainian education. Meanwhile, it is quite popular with young people. Often students use the Internet to learn a lot more than a textbook can contain, and sometimes teach teachers themselves....
07.09.2010 - 00:00
Fifty million people! In ten years that will be the population of Ukraine. At least that is what Viktor Yanukovych promised during his election campaign. Last year, 530,000 Ukrainians were born — 35 percent more than in 2001. The country is doing its “duty.” However, growing families also result in...
10.08.2010 - 00:00
Ukraine is situated between Europe and Asia, and can regard itself as part of both, but this crossroads constantly raises doubts about which part is best, which countries to cooperate with, where to look for support and inspiration. While Europe is imposing its requirements on Ukraine, the East (...
08.06.2010 - 00:00
One of the pictures at the photo exhibit “Seeing With Your Heart” shows a girl of about five years of age tending her doll in a toy baby carriage like a true, loving mother. There is so much warmth and care in the heart of this child! It was precisely for the purpose of finding the...
29.04.2010 - 00:00
Music is capable of helping travel through centuries in search of the understanding of the epochs that were created by human civilizations. An epoch’s character is reflected in it as in the finest manifestation of spiritual matter. Musicians from the Ancient Music Ensemble: Kostiantyn Chechenia...
27.04.2010 - 00:00
The unique attempt to unite the worlds of East and West is represented by the exhibit “Okimono: 100 Years of European Triumph” in the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts from Oleksandr Feldman’s collection. It presents rare items, which were created as a result of synthesized traditions...
20.04.2010 - 00:00
For nearly 30 years – half of his life – the biker Freeman has been racing at full speed along the Ukrainian roads on his motor trike, wind in his face. Even at 60, his character won’t change: his trike is his life. Assembled with his own hands, the trike allows its owner to live a life he had...
15.04.2010 - 00:00
The festival was opened by the acrobats from the Marseille circus studios, Les Studios de Cirque de Marseille. They showed Kyivans and the guests of our capital their aerial show, Angel Square. The performance, unprecedented in the complexity of the stunts done without the use of any safety gear...
