Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№17, (2009)

16.06.2009 - 00:00

Why did Mazepa disown Muscovy?

Moscow recently hosted the international roundtable “The Battle of Poltava: Its Perception Centuries Later,” involving scholars from Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine. The roundtable was...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

What kind of education do we need?

Every civilized country seeks to upgrade its education system to meet the challenges of the time. Ukraine is no exception. Even though not everything works out the best way, the Ministry of...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Any countermeasures against yellow journalism?

Many materials published on The Day’s pages acquired their own life. They are now part of the mosaic of the newspaper’s history along with the most recent history of Ukrainian journalism. Some of the...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Climate of contrasts

Only a decade ago weather changes mostly affected farmers, but the situation has been different for the past several years. We are now witness to dramatic weather fluctuations. The weather is...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Mykhailo Starytsky’s court case

“Speaking about predator playwrights, it is worthwhile to point to the similar predators in the Little-Russian dramaturgy. The first place should go to Mr. Starytsky, the famous author of Hamlet...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

What kind of education do we need?

(Continued from page 1)In Ukraine this function is duplicated by the research institutes whereas most European institutions of learning have research institutes as their components. In other words,...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

This week in history

June 16 1934: The Union of Writers of Ukraine is founded at the I Congress of Ukrainian Writers. 1982: The 2,000,000th tractor comes off the assembly line at the Kharkiv Tractor Works. June 17 1990: ...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Daniel CARON: “The events of 2004 really put Ukraine on the map.”

1. Please, tell, what kind of Ukraine have you discovered?“Just before Kiev I was posted in Mexico as the deputy head of the mission with my family. And I was reading a lot about Ukraine in The...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Across time and space

The Enamel Painting Festival, the idea of which belongs to Yulia Borodai, a well-known enamel artist, was organized by the Museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art. The festival features...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Pictures by Ukrainian artists sold at Sotheby’s in London

On June 9 the London-based Sotheby’s House held an auction where 13 contemporary Ukrainian artists competed for the first time, as did some of their Russian colleagues. As a result, 9 out of the...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Weak newborns get a chance to survive

Dnipropetrovsk — Kateryna Yushchenko, head of the supervisory board of the Ukraine 3000 International Charitable Fund, visited Dnipropetrovsk on a humanitarian mission. Accompanied by a...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Wild nature and cultured human, not the other way round

The most important thing in the cure and, better still, preventive treatment of any disease is information. The latter is indispensable for human culture, particularly, the culture of attitude to...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Ukrainian books are the best

The jury of the 6th Moscow-based Book Art international competition have chosen winners for the year 2009. This time they examined over 140 publications from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan,...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Ukraine expects tourist boom

Ukraine’s tourism sector is showing new tendencies. When the economic crisis struck, it seemed that the tourism business was in for losses because it is easiest to save on leisure. However, Anatolii...
16.06.2009 - 00:00

Thinking about Russia’s historical development

Before the national holiday of our neighbors — Russia Day — we asked our readers and The Day’s experts the question: What kind of Russia do we love? Even though trouble-free periods have been far...
