Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert
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№2, (2018)

17.01.2018 - 17:46

Anatolii Mateshko: one-man jazz band

Let me dare challenge a classic. All unhappy families are alike, and each happy family is happy in its own way.The characters of today’s story are: the husband – film actor and...
17.01.2018 - 17:13

“The One Who Sees the Light”

The exhibit “The One Who Sees the Light” is presented by the master’s family in the Vasyl Pylypiuk’s Gallery at 3a, Stetska St., Lviv. It comprises more than 90 ...
17.01.2018 - 17:09

Ukrainian modern art

The exhibition “Ukrainian contemporary art in the mirror of the Vienna Modernism” was launched at Otto-Mauer-Zentrum on January 16. According to the organizers, this vernissage...
17.01.2018 - 17:07

Pereberia in Vashkivtsi

On January 13-14 the Pereberia carnival was traditionally held in Vashkivtsi, Chernivtsi oblast. It’s a festival held on the Old New Year’s Day and Malanka. The festivities start on...