Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№25, (2016)

14.04.2016 - 11:19

How “thought-conformity” is being introduced in Russia

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin was a true genius! It seems that his project of introducing “thought-conformity” in Russia, described in his The History of a Town, is finally being implemented...
14.04.2016 - 11:16

81 artworks from museum collection

The Ternopil Regional Art Museum hosted the presentation of the book Bohdan Lepky’s Pictorial Heritage. The authors of the book are senior researcher of the Bohdan Lepky Museum in Berezhany...
14.04.2016 - 10:31

A bit of realism…

Ukraine continues watching the premier-cabinet saga unfold. This is actually a drama with a cast and plot, with the most disgusting part of the plot being the ongoing political crisis and haggling,...
13.04.2016 - 18:45

“If you want elections, ensure security first”

Elections in the Donbas should be held in accordance with relevant Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) standards and Ukrainian legislation and monitored by the OSCE. This is...
13.04.2016 - 18:43

“The regime’s logic of self-preservation”

It seemed that, after three and a half presidential terms in power, Vladimir Putin had everything under his control in Russia. As it turns out, he does not. This can be seen in the creation of a new...
13.04.2016 - 18:40

How nations win respect

Professor of history at the Universite de Montreal, author and journalist Yakov M. Rabkin recently presented in Kyiv the Russian translation of his book What Is Modern Israel? It was written at the...
13.04.2016 - 18:38

A monument to heroes of the Heavenly Hundred has been unveiled in Portugal

A monument to heroes of the Heavenly Hundred has been unveiled in the Portuguese city of Braga, the Embassy of Ukraine in Portugal reports on Facebook. It was initiated and funded by the Ukrainian...
13.04.2016 - 18:36

Humanistanbul: World Humanitarian Summit

Despite worldwide shock and indignation, it looks like little Aylan Kurdi’s tragic death last summer changed little. This is a sad – but brutal – comment on our collective humanity...
13.04.2016 - 18:22

Falsehoods on the occasion of Cosmonautics Day

April 12 is the International Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics, also known as the International Day of Human Space Flight. It was on this day 55 years ago that the first manned spacecraft with Yuri...
13.04.2016 - 18:18

A stylish trinket converts human voice to text

SenStone – the pendant that can convert voice to text and sort it – looks very stylish. With a diameter of 2.9 cm and a weight of 26 grams, it can be worn on a chain or pinned on to...
13.04.2016 - 17:58

Marjana GAPONENKO: “People once had a wider wingspan”

Marjana Gaponenko’s name is unfamiliar to most of Ukrainians. The German-speaking author of Ukrainian origin has had her books translated into English, French, Italian, Thai even – but...
13.04.2016 - 17:50

A world made of a piece of paper

In the company of our press photographer, I climb Kyiv’s Batyieva Hora hill, where a creative family’s little house stands out surrounded by luxurious mansions. “We have a Harry...
13.04.2016 - 17:46

A radical Giselle

On the eve of International Dance Day, annually celebrated on April 29, and shortly before celebrating the 175th anniversary of the first production of the classic ballet masterpiece Giselle, Radu...
13.04.2016 - 17:43

How sakura benefits the climate

In recent years, this natural phenomenon of Uzhhorod has became the city’s main attraction in spring – the blossoming of sakura is a perfect background for open-air art, festivals,...
13.04.2016 - 17:40

The duty to revolt

Jean-Luc Godard, whose talks about cinema are no less interesting than his films, once said that he had been dreaming about a movie, in which the proletariat would at first rebel against the...
