Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert
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№30, (2016)

17.05.2016 - 12:34

The Eurovision victory: an opportunity and a test

This year’s Eurovision made clear a few aspects which we should be aware of. Firstly, Europe really sympathizes with Ukraine and understands the present threat emanating from Russia. It...
17.05.2016 - 12:28

“We have something to show!”

In Warsaw, we will present the recently printed English version of the book A Case without a Statute of Limitations from the series “Contemporary History for Dummies.” Additionally, to...
17.05.2016 - 12:17

RBC is defeated. Who’s next?

Someone might say that it was not more than a coincidence. On the same day, editors of RBC – one of the best and most professional Russian media holdings – are fired, and State Duma...
17.05.2016 - 12:13

Aerospace partnership

Ukraine and Turkey have agreed on the development and joint production of passenger and military transport aircraft based on the Antonov company’s existing designs. This follows from the...
17.05.2016 - 12:09

Obama: “Trump betrays American values”

Some statements by Donald Trump, US presidential nominee from the Republican Party, are a betrayal of American values, said President Barack Obama. Speaking to graduates of Rutgers University (New...
16.05.2016 - 18:00

Moscow historian on today’s Russia

Among Den/The Day’s regular contributors is Boris Sokolov. This Moscow-based erudite historian and top-notch professional is also an outspoken public figure. He never hesitates to call a spade...
16.05.2016 - 17:57

MOTHER in the focus

Ukrainian servicemen are standing near a large portrait of a woman. They are smiling and talking. Red poppy decorations, a symbol of war victims, as well as various awards they received after battles...
16.05.2016 - 17:53

A place of horror and sorrow

Near the ancient Polish city of Krakow, there is a small town of Oswiecim. Here, during the Second World War, the Nazis established the largest camp complex, which the entire world knows as Auschwitz...
16.05.2016 - 17:50

Master of his destiny

Born to a Jewish family in Croatia in 1932, he, having passed through all the circles of hell prepared for humanity and that troubled nation by fascism, and having lost all his family to the terrible...
16.05.2016 - 17:48

The 22nd anniversary of “Two Days and Two Nights”

However, the festival’s organizing team finds it ever harder to fight indifference of the culture department’s officials. The event’s main and almost permanent partners are the...
16.05.2016 - 17:44

An identity collection

Some of these moving pictures have already appeared in prestigious galleries and renowned museums. Over Vasyl Parakhin’s 20-year tenure as instructor at the Zhuravnyky public school’s...
16.05.2016 - 17:43

“Faktura”: the creative pursuit of Ksenia Zhyzhii

Ksenia Zhyzhii is a 4th-year student of the Art Ceramics Department of Lviv National Academy of Arts. The display demonstrates her innovative approach to drawing, which she acquired during the study...