Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№4, (2010)

28.01.2010 - 00:00

Colors of southern Ukraine by Bukovyna artist

As an artist, Larysa Demianyshyna is multifaceted not so much in terms of images and genres but in techniques and types of art. No matter what technique she chooses, be it black-and-white graphics,...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

Knights of Light

Time is something very perceptible and elusive at the same time. We say: “Our time has come,” “those times have passed,” and so on. Maybe people will associate, recollect, and reinterpret the end...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

President Yushchenko’s last hero

On January 22, when Ukraine was commemorating Unity Day, an expected and yet astounding event occurred. Viktor Yushchenko announced that he was conferring the title of Hero of Ukraine to Stepan...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

Respect for nature

Environmental protection activities of the local student ecological club Eco-Life are known far outside Radekhiv. Every year young environmentalists choose a major topic that becomes an object of...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

Big prospects for small business

Saved themselves… That’s the conclusion one can make after analyzing the activity of small and medium business in the past year. If big export-oriented enterprises were actively subsidized by the...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

Yurii KHUSTOCHKA: We are all woven of different things

Last summer Esthetic Education, the most popular among non-format and most non-format among the country’s popular music bands, announced that it was taking a break in its activity for an unspecified...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

It’s all up to us

Last Monday the Central Election Commission announced the final results of the first round of the presidential elections. What do these elections and the results mean to Ukraine? Here is the opinion...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

About the <I>The Day</I>’s strategy for establishing a civil society in Ukraine

It has already become a tradition, at the end of each year, to sum up the last year, make predictions, prognoses, and plans for the year to come in the columns of this newspaper. The rubric “My year...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

The Krychevsky style

Kateryna Krychevska-Rosandych is one of the brightest stars in the great pleiad of contemporary Ukrainian artists, who have been scattered all over the world. She has long been living on the West...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

Ukrainian Baroque in Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s works

Ukraine’s first President Mykhailo Hrushevsky died in Kislovodsk on Nov. 25, 1934. He was a noted historian and active public and political figure. The year 2009 marked the 75th anniversary of...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

This day in history

1796: Volyn, Kyiv, Little Russian, Novorossiysk, and Podillia gubernias are formed as part of the Russian empire. 1820: A Russian expedition, led by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen and Mikhail...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

Ivan Mazepa in decrees and engravings

2009 was declared the Year of Ivan Mazepa. This was a joint initiative of Den/The Day, represented by chief editor Larysa Ivshyna, and the National Museum of Ukraine’s History, represented by...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

The curse of natural resources

Michael L. Ross, Professor of Political Science, Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (with Ph.D. in Politics from Princeton University, 1966) is the author of the book Timber Booms and...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

Cossack grave restored

Today Lebedyn is an ordinary quiet town in Slobozhanshchyna with modern buildings in the center and a true paradise on the outskirts. One-storied houses are immersed in the gorgeous greenery of...
28.01.2010 - 00:00

John TEFFT: We do not support the policy of spheres of influence

The newly appointed US Ambassador to Ukraine, John TEFFT, is a top-notch diplomat with a huge working experience in countries of the post-Soviet space. During his 37-year long career as a...
