Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№1, (2000)

18.01.2000 - 00:00

Black Sea Fleet to Get Nuclear Wings

Ukraine has finally agreed to the Crimea-based Black Sea Fleet being equipped with Su-24m front line strike fighters. The Russian Military News Agency has reported that as soon as this week the first...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

Damp Budget Hung Out to Dry

Last Thursday, despite the formation of the majority by a number of factions, the Verkhovna Rada voted down the Cabinet’s 2000 budget bill. It was first rejected with a rather harsh formula: “...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

This week in history

January 18: 1654. The Pereyaslav Rada (Council) decided to swear an oath of allegiance to the Russian Tsar. 1919. The Provisional Worker-Peasant Government of Ukraine passed a decree on the...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

Ten Days that Shook Nobody

True to his pragmatic (and very correct) habit of using every opportunity to send “positive signals” to the market, new Premier Viktor Yushchenko told his fellow Ukrainians that he will not only work...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

Trap for Putin

News releases from the Chechnya War fronts are becoming more and more truthful even in the Russian mass media. While only a few weeks ago Russian society was surprised by Western reactions to what is...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

While The Day is the ambassadors’ favorite medium of communication with Ukraine, experts believe

That life in this country also exists after the elections is testified to at least by the fact that, after numerous presidential rankings, polling organizations began to conduct other surveys of...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

Czech Republic Putting Up Emigration Barrier to Ukraine

A new immigration law took effect on January 1, 2000, in the Czech Republic. As the Czech Ministry of Internal Affairs spokeswoman Maria Masarikova told AP, this law is aimed at reducing the flow of...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

Agitation Without Information

It would be strange, of course, for a television observer to coin a phrase like “Citizens, do not watch TV! At any rate, not the news!” But, upon my word, such a wish arises over and over again, for...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

Sumy Residents Left Without Central Television

Programs of the Ukrainian national television channels UT-1, UT-2, and Inter, have not been broadcast to 3/4 of the territory of Sumy oblast since noon January 11. The television vacuum has been...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

All Roads Led to Bethlehem...

It so happened that all roads from countries referred to as Orthodox would lead to Bethlehem for Christmas. There were also more knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher during the 2000 Christmas...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

The Triumph and Tragedy of Rukh

Out of the ten years of Rukh’s existence, the first two can be called a triumph, while over the remaining eight years of the Popular Movement of Ukraine has been gradually but steadily losing its...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

Ukraine in Search of Itself

Independence is certainly the main result of the past millennium for Ukraine, but why did History need it? For us Ukrainians, everything is perfectly clear: independence is the way to self-...
18.01.2000 - 00:00


On December 20, the Constitutional Court voted ten to six to outlaw capital punishment. 410 inmates of death rows across Ukraine received the best possible Christmas gift. Now they could sleep...
18.01.2000 - 00:00


Festive days may have kept the Russians from really assessing the consequences of what happened after President Boris Yeltsin’s resignation. His theatrical address to the Russians on December 31,...
18.01.2000 - 00:00

US Values Dialogue With Ukraine, Russia on Limited NMD System

After more than a quarter century the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty remains a major contributor to strategic nuclear stability. Yet, just as the end of the Cold War heralded the advance of...
