№15, (2007)
05.06.2007 - 00:00
Happy birthday, Italy!
The National Philharmonic Society of Ukraine hosted a reception commemorating the 61st anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic. The event was organized by Ambassador Fabio Fabbri of...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
Вітренко не хоче бачити Чорновола спікеромКандидатом на пост Голови Верховної Ради від Прогресивної соціалістичної партії стане, найімовірніше, Наталя Вітренко. Про це повідомила агенції...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
The “Slavic Michelangelo”
The launch of a unique art book entitled Johann Heorh Pinzel: Sculpture and Transformation, published by the Hrani-T Publishers jointly with Yi, the independent Lviv-based cultural journal, recently...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
Still... Europe and democracy
Postponed, Europe Day was finally celebrated in Kyiv. The organizers managed to stage the festivities the following day after the political crisis seemed to have been finally settled in Ukraine....
05.06.2007 - 00:00
A family for rent
In May the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in Pyrohove traditionally attracts groups of tanned Crimeans, cheerful Bukovynians, Hutsuls, residents of Gogol’s famous village of Dykanka, friendly...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
EU to help Ukraine overcome growing pains of democracy
The European Union will support Ukraine and its efforts to strengthen democracy. Adrian Severin, the chairman of the Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, which arrived in...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
15 - вік пригод і перемог
Едуард ЩУР, спеціально для "Дня"
Одним із небагатьох видів спорту, в якому українські майстри стабільно виступають "на межі рекордів", є...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
An important detail
Ukraine has one of Europe’s highest rates of HIV infection. According to unofficial data, more than one percent of the Ukrainian population is infected. Since 1987 12,500 Ukrainians have been killed...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
<center><font color=ff0000>АУКЦІОН ПОДІЙ п. ХВОСТІВА</font></center>
Пані і панове! Народ, через те що гроші в дефіциті, дружно вибрав комуністів, сподіваючись на те, що вони, за ідеєю, десь гроші дістануть і порівну роздадуть усім. Однак, якщо...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
Yosyp Burg’s 95th spring
The works of Yosyp Kunovych Burg are little-known in Ukraine. Meanwhile, his short stories and essays are read and translated in Germany, Austria, the US, and Israel. He is frequently invited to give...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
Ukraine’s capital chooses its seven wonders
The nationwide competition, “The Seven Wonders of Ukraine,” is underway in Ukraine. The seven choices will be announced on the eve of Independence Day, but for now the seven wonders of Kyiv have been...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
“In search of for gotten colors”
Halyna Inhula, 26, has been a professional painter for no more than three years. She completed Kyiv’s Special School No. 18 for hearing-impaired children and was then trained as a Web designer. She...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
This week in history
June 5 1707: Hetman Ivan Mazepa of Ukraine starts secret talks with Charles XII of Sweden about joint military operations against Tsar Peter I of Russia. 1990: The first council of the Ukrainian...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
"Усі свої хвороби ми черпаємо з власних тарілок"
Олена ГРІНЧЕНКО із "Зеленої аптеки Зубицьких"
Попереджає народна цілителька Наталія ЗУБИЦЬКА всіх читачок "Дня". Здоров`я кожної сім`ї в руках жінки. І що вона покладе в тарілку, те й...
05.06.2007 - 00:00
Our basic values have not changed
The Ukrainian Center of Political Management has just launched a book entitled The Legal Basis of the Defense of Personal Values and Social Morality, a ground-breaking book containing every normative...