Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№18, (2015)

19.03.2015 - 14:01

Literary escalator

The passengers of Kyiv metro have had an opportunity re­cently to observe an unusual event. Several dozens of people were riding the escalator at “Polytechnic Institute” station, read...
19.03.2015 - 13:57

“This is my personal hit parade”

At her recent exhibit at Uk­raine’s Academy of Arts, the talented young photo­gra­pher Olena Bozhko pre­sent­ed her calendar 12 Musicians, fea­turing portraits of...
19.03.2015 - 13:55

Buy me

The film tells the story, which is as old as civilization: the adventures of humans, purportedly intel­li­gent creatures, who decided to subordinate their lives to mar­riage, the...
Yaryna Mykhailyshyn
19.03.2015 - 13:52

Yaryna Mykhailyshyn on Den’s school for infographics and the European experience

All these years, Den presents otherwise dry and lifeless data through the entertaining language of interactive facts. Charts, tables, graphs, collages – our audience is fully accustomed to them...
19.03.2015 - 13:47

What conditions should be met for Ukraine to receive lethal weapons?

The Day discussed with former head of Georgian security service’s foreign intelligence bureau and former first deputy minister of defense of Georgia Batu KUTELIA, who until recently was a...
Shevchenko at the barricades
19.03.2015 - 13:39

Shevchenko at the barricades

“Around Shevchenko” exhi­bi­tion features two dozen works, illustrating the me­moires of the poet’s con­tem­poraries (with captions explaining the specific story...
19.03.2015 - 13:34

DakhaBrakha celebrates anniversary

According to the band’s Face­book page, the event is de­di­cated to the 10th anniversary of Dakha­Brakha. As the or­ga­ni­zers say, DakhaBrakha is a long-term...
Bitter Sweet Darusia
19.03.2015 - 13:32

Bitter Sweet Darusia

A teaser to the film Sweet Darusia has been shown at the movie theater Kyiv this week. Sweet Darusia is a screening of an eponymous novel written by Maria Matios. The launch of the movie project...
19.03.2015 - 13:25

More terrible than tanks

My last article published by The Day on March 17 suddenly acquired an addi­tio­nal sense. It was about the imperial con­stant of the Rus­sian history, which was revealed during any...
“Powerful diplomacy makes country strong”
19.03.2015 - 13:20

“Powerful diplomacy makes country strong”

On March 18, the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine hosted the 3d International Youth Forum “Globalization Challenges and Multilateral Diplomacy.” Held against the background of the Russian...
European policy “invites” Putin to Mariupol
19.03.2015 - 13:16

European policy “invites” Putin to Mariupol

The visit of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to Berlin on March 16 and negotiations with the top German officials Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Joachim Gauck had more symbolic than...
19.03.2015 - 13:12

“No celebrations with aggressor”

Ukraine’s Ambassador to      Aus­t­ria, Oleksandr Shcher­­ba, regularly ap­pears on Austrian TV, gives commentaries to the local press, and writes...
19.03.2015 - 13:10

“The enemy has come to my home. I have to drive them out...”

Kyivites bid farewell lately to soldiers of the Sich and OUN battalions as they left for the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) area. The reconnaissance com­pany of the Donbas battalion departed for...
How Russians in Crimea are stealing Ukrainian heritage
19.03.2015 - 12:57

A “good” symbol of Malorichenske

Have the Ukrainian Internet users paid attention to the picture of the building used as a background in the film Crimea. The Way Home? The building was designed by Ukrainian artists. For those who...
19.03.2015 - 12:52

On oil, gas, and democracy

Norway is a country that ex­plo­des the “oil curse” theory. A country can be civilized and democratic even if it has vast energy resources. And it is not at all obligatory to...
