Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№19, (2011)

31.03.2011 - 00:00

“Cut the Libyan knot”

A conference in London on the situation in Libya ended in another ultimatum to Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. Participants of this forum, which brought together representatives from forty countries...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

Grand concert of Arvo Part

All the Earth’s nations are unique, and each has contributed to world culture in its own way. Our contemporary, the Estonian Arvo Part is the pride of his nation and a true cosmopolitan. His...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

“Space Odyssey 2011”

The project’s idea lies in ge-neralizing the human experience in organizing the chaos of the universe by artistic means, expanding worldview borders and mythologizing earthly life. This idea alludes...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

Export duty to replace quotas?

The government is considering replacing export quotas by duties, Mykola Markevych, president of the Association of Farmers and Private Landowners, stated during the parliamentary land hearing. He...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

A working holiday

The 19th Kyiv Pectoral award ceremony was held in Kyiv on International Theater Day. It was modestly celebrated, without excessive pomp or lengthy procedures (there were a couple of dances...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

Good-bye, GogolFest-2011?

The festival, which might mark its fifth anniversary this September, is now under threat. The alarm was raised by the founder and initiator of the contemporary art forum GogolFest, Vladyslav Troitsky...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

Oleh SKRYPOCHKA: Zaporizhia is my homeland

The flight of the Russian astronaut Oleh Skrypochka was followed by many people in Ukraine. The crew of the International Space Station (ISS), consisting of the Russian astronauts Oleksandr Kaleri...
31.03.2011 - 00:00


  Service dogs for Euro-2012 trained in Poltava Employees of the Poltava Dog Training Center are actively engaged in training service dogs to help law enforcement personnel during the Euro...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

Markiian Shashkevych back in vogue

Which classical authors are topical now? Who should we address first of all? “This year is the 200th anniversary of Markiian Shashkevych’s birth. Unfortunately, this date is almost...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

Modern traditions of an ancient convent

VOLYN OBLAST – Ukraine’s oldest convent, Zymne Monastery, a stauropegial founded in 1001 by Prince Volodymyr the Great. The ancient cloister on the Holy Mountain near Volodymyr-Volynsky is going to...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

This day in history

1944: The Central Committee of the CP(b) and the Radnarkom of the Ukrainian SSR adopt a decree on emergency measures to secure production of munitions at the enterprises of the Ukrainian SSR. 1951: A...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

The Syrian piece in the “Arab domino”

A couple of weeks ago experts asserted that the “democratic wave” running through the Arab world won’t affect Syria, as there are no reasons for mass protest or revolution there....
31.03.2011 - 00:00

Face to face with a genius

Ukrainophobia is spreading its wings ever more brazenly over our land (this sarcastic irony of history is by no means an invincible divine scourge: it is a natural result of our complacency,...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

The Aral Sea tragedy

Global climate changes and human economic management (to be more exact, mismanagement) have caused a number of global environmental disasters. Among them is the death of the Aral Sea and the...
31.03.2011 - 00:00

A failure to communicate

“Can real reforms be delivered?” This was the topic of the Ukraine Summit, held in Kyiv on March 29. Organized by The Economist Group, the event was interesting not only because of...
